About Me Floriana and Federico Temptation Island 2021: Age, Bonfire and One Month Later
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Floriana and Federico, Federico’s surname is Rasa while Floriana’s surname is Angelica, I’m a Palermo couple aged 21 and 34, who participated in Temptation Island 2021. After two years of engagement Floriana no longer feels courted from Federico, who leads to Temptation Island to have confirmations of his love despite the age difference.
Who are Floriana and Federico?
- Name of the couple: Floriana and Federico
- Surname: Federico Rasa and Floriana Angelica
- Date of birth: Floriana 2000, Federico 1987
- Age: Floriana 21 years old, Federico 34 years old
- Zodiac sign: Floriana not available, Federico not available
- Profession: not known
- Birth place: Palermo both
- Height: Information not available
- Weight: Information not available
- Tattoos: Information not available
- Official Instagram profile: unavailable, but the couple had a “couple” Facebook profile named “Floriana Federico Rasa” deactivated before the start of the program
- Follow us on our official Instagram profile: @ chiecosa.it
Biography of Federico Rasa and Floriana
Federico Rasa he is originally from Palermo, he is 34 years old and he was born in 1987. We do not have much information about him, also because his surname often bears the same name. We don’t even know what Federico’s profession is. He defines himself sentimental and good, but also a closed person.
Floriana is a 21-year-old girl, being very young it is likely that she has recently finished her studies or is enrolled in university. We do not know if Floriana works instead, that of the girl is the only surname that has not been leaked among the competitors of this edition of Temptation Island.
Story of the couple
Floriana and Federico of Temptation Island they have a 13-year age difference and have been engaged for two years. Floriana is 21 and has been engaged to Federico since she was 19. Both originally from Palermo, Floriana and Federico after an initial period in which Federico courts his girlfriend and she feels loved and wanted, the relationship “tilts”. Federico, after conquering Floriana, has settled into their relationship, so much so that Floriana doubts about his own love: she wonders if Federico loves her, or is with her out of safety and habit.
Federico, Floriana’s boyfriend, does not deny the complaints of his girlfriend. Convinced of the relationship with Floriana, Federico himself affirms that “When I have certainties I no longer do what I did before, now it is mine and nobody takes it off anymore!”.
Temptation Island 2021
- First episode: Floriana is immediately called to the Pinnettu and sees her boyfriend Federico that relates to the singles of the village. Federico declares that he is bored, that he leads a married life and he hates monotany. He also complains that she doesn’t do any makeup at home for him. Federico complains that she neglects herself even in intimacy, presenting herself with the pajamas. She adds that she doesn’t know if her feeling is still true and that he doesn’t see her as the mother of her children. At the bonfire Floriana sees a video of Federico where he talks about Floriana who trusts him a lot, but not without reason since he doesn’t think he is so good. Then Federico shows himself next to the single Vincenza, with whom he dances and has fun. Federico also complains about some of Floriana’s obsessions: she is superstitious (both for black cats and for numbers) and their passion leads them to make love “only” twice a week while with his ex he was used to doing it all the days.
- Second episode: in the second episode Floriana and Federico are not particularly called into question: Federico in fact has no video to see of his girlfriend, while the videos of Federico shown are more of complaints than of real attitudes towards single women.
- The previews of the third episode show a twist: finally Federico too will see a video of Floriana. Filippo Bisciglia in fact asks Federico if this time he expects something and he answers no, but instead here comes a video of Floriana and Federico replies “ah, she woke up!”.
- In the third episode Floriana and Federico are at a decisive moment. Floriana withdraws into herself thoughtfully about what she has seen of Federico. At the bonfire Floriana sees videos of Federico who is ever closer to Single Vincenza. Federico seems attracted to her, they talk and confront each other. Federico continues to complain about his girlfriend who is not affectionate even with the dog. Then the single Vincenza spreads the cream and they dance arousing the jealousies of Floriana who also bursts into tears. Federico does not have any videos of Floriana. Again a Floriana bonfire where Federico’s video shows the growing complicity with the single Vincenza. Floriana bursts into tears and says she can’t continue to feel bad like this. Federico sees a video of Floriana where she talks about the problems of their relationship.
- L’anticipation more important than the fourth episode concerns a comparison bonfire requested by one of the girlfriends: was it Floriana who requested it? Meanwhile, a video is shown in which Floriana in the grip of restlessness he walks nervously around the village and does autogenic training. Surely she must have seen something of her boyfriend Federico in a video of the Pinnettu or at the bonfire.
- In the fourth episode Floriana is thrown into despair by the behavior of Federico who interacts and flirts with the single Vincenza. He prepares breakfast for him and does other niceties. Even the single seems interested: she tells Federico that he is a handsome boy with an intense gaze. Floriana is called again in the Pinnettu and other images are shown to her: first a bath together between Federico and the single then a toast and some complicit speeches. After these scenes Floriana decides to ask for an immediate confrontation bonfire. Federico after a confrontation with Vicenza does not accept the bonfire. After the bonfire is refused, there are new images for Floriana the next day. Federico is still close to Vincenza. The two spend some moments of intimacy in the jacuzzi. Vincenza admits that she would like to spend more time hugging with Federico. Floriana vents, angry, with her companions, saying that if she is apathetic it is also her boyfriend’s fault. At the bonfire Floriana sees a video in which her boyfriend cries because he is sorry that he does not feel certain things with his girlfriend, the same things he does with Vincenza. Federico and the single go out and have dinner in front of the sea. Floriana asks, for the second time, the comparison bonfire, which he finally accepts, after having confronted one last time with the single Vincenza. At the comparison bonfire Federico says that the things he felt with Vincenza he would have wanted with his girlfriend. The two review the videos of the boyfriend together. Floriana wants to close, but Federico justifies himself by saying he simply put himself on the line and admits he doesn’t feel anything for Vincenza. Federico for her part, she cries and tries to convince Floriana of her good intentions. At the end of the bonfire Floriana decides to go home alone, but after a few days Federico requests a new bonfire whose outcome is revealed in the fifth episode.
- From the advances of the fifth episode of Temptation Island 2021 we know that between Floriana and Federico it is not quite over yet. The boyfriend has in fact asked for a second bonfire for comparison to show his feelings to Floriana. Will the girlfriend accept? We do not know if they are currently still together or have completely broken up: we will find out on Monday 26 July.
- In the fifth episode there is a new confrontation bonfire requested by Federico: in fact he is sorry for having made her suffer and has every intention of clarifying his position and returning with Floriana. Federico has written a letter that he reads to Floriana where he talks about himself as a closed boy who cannot express his feelings. He apologizes and declares all his love and talks about the good things he thinks about her until he says he wants to have a future with her. Floriana is moved by his words and decides to go home with Federico. The couple then exits Temptation Island together.
A month later
Floriane and Federico a month later they are still happily engaged. The couple found each other again and are doing well despite Floriana taking a while to absorb the blow at first. Federico, however, is more present, they spend more time together and less with friends and Floriana has therefore happily resumed the relationship. The dialogue has also been improved and the shortcomings of the first are just a bad memory.
Why Are They Attending Temptation Island?
Floriana and Federico they participate in Temptation Island because Floriana wrote to the editorial staff of the program. The 21-year-old girl fears that her boyfriend’s behavior could somehow undermine their relationship. If at first he courted her and had particular attention towards her, now, after two years of relationship, Federico no longer woos Floriana, taking her for granted, according to the girl’s words, she doesn’t want to be in a relationship alone. Floriana is sure of her feelings for Federico but she doesn’t think he is more in love with her than before.
Federico, for his part, does not deny his attitude, saying that once he has conquered something he no longer behaves like in the early days, because he is sure that no one can take it away from him. Federico also stated that he is participating in Temptation Island to please Floriana. On the other hand, in the presentation video of the couple, the thirty-four-year-old concludes by saying:
I will face this experience by putting myself on the line 100 per 100… what happens, happens
The Report: through the profile of Deianira Marzano was reported the comment of a user who says: “Guys, but they are not a couple: I know him and he is super single “.
This is the only couple with less information about their work and personal life leaked.
Read Also All Official Temptation Island Couples
The presentation video of Floriana and Federico Rasa at Temptation Island 2021:
Article by Emanuela Italia
Tag #Temptation Island
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