
Dan Folger Net Worth

Dan Folger is an American Stage Actor who has a net worth of around $1 million. This stage star was born on October 20, 1976. His net worth is estimated to be between $100k and $1 million. According to various sources, Dan Folger has an estimated worth of between $1 million and $5 million. If you are interested in knowing more about Dan Folger’s net worth, keep reading. You can also check out the other information below, such as Dan’s height and weight. Also, check out his career and education.

Dan Folger was born on October 20, 1976, in New York City. He studied theatre at Boston University and was later cast as the voice of Zeng in Kung Fu Panda. In 2009, he married his long-time partner Jodie Capes, who he met while attending the School of Theatre at Boston University. His net worth is estimated to grow even more as his career continues to gain popularity. You can see some of his films on his website.

Dan Folger’s net worth has grown in recent years. His earnings largely came from his successful career as an actor and musician. His net worth is estimated to rise to $65 million in 2021. His net worth is estimated to rise to around $80 million by 2022. The sources of Dan Folger’s net worth are numerous. However, you should keep in mind that his net worth fluctuates due to various factors such as taxes, management fees, investment gains, and marriage and divorce.

His personal life and professional career are also significant for his net worth. The actor married his wife, Jodie Capes Foster, in 2009 and lives in New York. They have no children. However, rumor has it that Dan Fogler owns an apartment in New York. This is just a small portion of his overall net worth. If you’re curious about Dan Fogler’s net worth, take a look at his career.

The American actor made his Broadway debut in the 2005 play 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. The show earned him five awards and a Tony Award. He also has many other acting credits, including voiceovers for cartoons. Moreover, he has several animated movies, including “Toy Story” and “Kung Fu Panda.”

His television and movie career has made him a popular name on the silver screen. He has appeared in over sixty films and television series, and has also been the voice in many commercials, including hilarious Doritos ads. Dan Fogler’s net worth is estimated to be around $4 million. As a result, he has an impressive amount of net worth. It’s not surprising that this talented actor has a multi-faceted career.