erin mcilrath
Erin Mcilrath has been a physician assistant for more than 14 years. She works for St. Francis Hospital in Bonney Lake, Washington. Her specialties include emergency medicine and neurology. She is also a certified nurse anesthetist. She has a background in nursing and is a certified diabetes educator. She is a board-certified nurse anesthetist and specializes in adult diabetes.
Erin L. McIlrath is a certified Physician Assistant who practices in Federal Way, WA. She has multiple specialty certifications and is board-certified in physical therapy. She accepts Medicare claims assignment. However, she cannot charge Medicare beneficiaries more than the approved amount. You will still be responsible for co-payments, deductibles, and any other fees that are not covered by Medicare.
Erin L. McIlrath is board-certified in physical therapy. She is a member of the American Academy of Nurse Anesthetists. She also accepts Medicare and is affiliated with four hospitals. If you have Medicare, you may be eligible to receive Medicare-approved services from Erin Mcilrath. She can be reached at her office by phone. In addition to a physical therapy license, she is a member of Franciscan Medical Group.
Erin Mcilrath PA-C has a primary medical specialization in physician assistant. She is affiliated with Franciscan Medical Group. She has hospital privileges at St. Joseph Medical Center. During her career, she has helped animals, including rescued horses. She is also an animal advocate, promoting PETA. There is a high likelihood that you will meet your future partner in her career. You will not regret it.
Erin L. McIlrath is a female Physician Assistant in Federally. Her primary medical specialty is Physician Assistant. She is affiliated with Franciscan Medical Group. She also has hospital privileges at St. Joseph Medical Center. She can be reached at her office by phone or online. There are no other appointments available for Erin Mcilrath at this time. You can find out more about her online profile.
Erin Mcilrath is a Physician Assistant in Bonney Lake, WA. She has a specialty in physician assistant. Her office has four hospitals in the area. She accepts Medicare and most insurance plans. When you contact her, make sure you have the necessary information. She can be reached by phone or by visiting her website. Alternatively, you can send her an email or call her at her office.
Erin Mcilrath is a PA-C in Federally. She is a female health care provider with the specialty of Physician Assistant. She is a certified nurse, and is able to diagnose and treat patients through telehealth. You can call her at her office in Bonney Lake, WA. There are no Medicare requirements to see this Doctor. Your doctor is licensed to prescribe prescription medications. In addition, she has a number of other specialty areas.
Erin Mcilrath is a physician assistant in Bonney Lake, WA. She is certified in physician assistant and can order Part B Clinical Laboratory and Imaging. She also accepts Medicare claims for patients who have a health insurance plan. She can’t charge you more than what Medicare approves, but you can still pay coinsurance for Medicare services. If you’re looking for a PA in Bonney Lake, WA, call her now.
You can reach Erin Mcilrath by phone at 9230 Sky Island Drive East, #600NW, Bonney Lake, WA 98391. The provider accepts Medicare, but you must verify before booking an appointment. The physician can bill Medicare, but you must pay coinsurance. You can also use telehealth to connect with Erin Mcilrath and a nurse practitioner. If you’re not comfortable with telehealth, you can choose a physician in Seattle, where she’ll work with you.
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