Kobe Bryant: The ex-NBA star’s bequest
How rich is former NBA star Kobe Bryant?
Kobe Bryant ended his career in 2016 and can look back on many successes. When Bryant played in the NBA for the first time in 1996 for the Charlotte Hornets, who are now majority-owned by Michael Jordan, the American had no idea what a staggering fortune he would one day amass. Sure, the athlete had never lacked a healthy dose of self-confidence. But the fact that his talents have brought him so far should also have surprised the basketball legend himself.
20 years after starting his career at the age of 17, the basketball star retired in 2016. The then 37-year-old achieved so much that most basketball players can only dream of. He has won the NBA title five times and was twice the MVP (Most Valuable Player) in the NBA Finals. In addition, it is Assets of 455 million euroswhich Kobe was able to amass in his lifetime, truly breathtaking. Unfortunately, he left this world much too early, because on January 26th, 2020 he died in a helicopter crash in California. The superstar leaves his legacy to his wife and three daughters. Unfortunately, his 13-year-old daughter Gianna was also on board the helicopter and died at her father’s side.
Kobe Bryant’s NBA salaries over the years
Then the LA Lakers struck and offered Kobe Bryant a 7-year contract for $ 136.4 million. During his last six game seasons, the basketball ace also earned the highest annual salary of any NBA player. In addition to Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant was the only player who managed to make a whopping $ 30 million in just one season. When he finishes his career in 2016, it will Kobe Bryant a total salary of over $ 323 million have earned. There is only one basketball player who has earned more while playing. Namely Kevin Garnett with 332 million US dollars, which Kobe Bryant comes very close to. But that wasn’t all! Because his basketball salary is only part of Kobe Bryant’s really incredible fortune.
Gigantic advertising contracts
Of course, various large corporations also stood in line with him during the basketball superstar’s career. With the aim of being able to win the American as a face for various advertising campaigns. In the first years of his career, Kobe worked primarily with the sporting goods manufacturer Adidas. In 2003, however, he signed one Contract with Nike. According to the latest estimates, the Kobe Bryant sports shoes brought in a good 105 million US dollars. This advertising deal is therefore a real win-win situation for both sides. The following companies have also hired Kobe Bryant for their advertising over the past 20 years:
- MC Donalds
- Sprite
- Nintendo
- Sony
- Mercedes Benz
- Hublot
The former basketball player really was one of the highest paid athletes. However, the following stars have earned even more than Kobe Bryant. Namely the golfer Tiger Woods, former basketball player Michael Jordan, Formula 1 driver Michael Schumacher and the boxer Floyd Mayweather. Unfortunately, due to his early death, Kobe Bryant could not enjoy his retirement for very long.
Image sources:
s_bukley & Joe Seer / Bigstock.com
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