Net Worth

MrBeast (Jimmy Donaldson): Net Worth and Earnings

How rich is MrBeast?

The YouTuber MrBeast, real name Jimmy Donaldson, has more than 100 million subscribers on his channels, which makes him one of the most successful representatives of his craft. His videos have been viewed over 14.5 billion times to date. On average, each of his videos costs around 250,000 euros – but this is mainly due to the fact that he regularly gives away money in them. The cherished MrBeast’s net worth is 22 million euros.

MrBeast’s fortune

Income from MrBeast
One of MrBeast’s main sources of income is the ads on its YouTube videos. This means that in a good month he has earned YouTube earnings of up to 2.5 million euros gross. Of course, the expenses and costs for the respective videos have to be deducted from this, which are sometimes very high due to the fact that money is given away. In addition, he sells merchandising products such as T-shirts, hoodies and jackets through his online shop. He and his friends also wear the clothes in his videos, which they use to advertise them at the same time. He works with Nike and Champion to manufacture the items. He also collaborates with numerous companies such as Electronic Arts and Microsoft, which can cost a lot of money to work together. So MrBeast is steadily expanding its assets.

Income with MrBeast Burger

MrBeast sometimes also likes to invest in start-ups. For example, he is involved in the hardware manufacturer Backbone and the FinTech company Current. He has also been operating the MrBeast Burger fast food chain. It supplies its customers with burgers, fries, desserts and drinks. The company works with around 600 restaurants in the US, Canada and the UK. He participates financially in the profits of the companies and thus further increases his assets. MrBeast invests a large part of its income in its videos. The production of one of his videos costs an average of around 250,000 euros. In addition, he has already donated several million euros to charity.

Breakthrough with counting video

Salary of MrBeast
The then 13-year-old Jimmy Donaldson published his first YouTube video in February 2012 under the name MrBeast6000. In doing so, he laid the foundation for his current success and fortune. In his early days he recorded Let’s Plays, in which he mainly Minecraft and Call of Duty played or valued the fortunes of other YouTubers. The reach of his channel increased slowly over the years, reaching the mark of 100,000 subscribers in mid-2016. In the fall of 2016, Donaldson dropped out of school to fully concentrate on his career as a YouTuber. His mother then threw him out of his parents’ house. In early 2017, he published a nearly 24-hour video in which he counts to 100,000. Within a few weeks, the video had several million views and brought him his breakthrough as a YouTuber.

Success with crazy ideas and wasted money

From then on, each of his videos achieved at least seven-digit views. In terms of content, MrBeast particularly likes to use crazy ideas. For example, he just said the words “Keep Net Neutrality” for ten hours, watched the same Internet video over and over again or bought a car with a wheelbarrow full of change. In addition, he sometimes shoots a lot of videos in which he gives large amounts of money to homeless people, waiters, pizza delivery men or Twitch streamers.

Over 100 million subscribers

Merit from MrBeast
Be exceeded as early as 2017 Main channel MrBeast the limit of one million subscribers, in 2018 it was already ten million. In 2021, more than 50 million YouTube users were interested in the videos on his channel. Over time, MrBeast started other YouTube channels. These include Beast Reacts (with filmed reactions to Internet videos) and MrBeast Gaming (with Let’s Plays). Together, all channels reach over 100 million subscribers and together have more than 14.5 billion views.

Apps and fast food

In June 2020, MrBeast released the smartphone app Finger on the app. The user who kept a finger on the display of his phone the longest could win an impressive $ 25,000. After four users had lasted more than 70 hours, the game was canceled and the four received $ 20,000 each. The continuation Finger on the app 2 appeared as early as March 2021, the winner who managed 50 hours received $ 100,000. He gives away part of his YouTube earnings and uses the other part to further expand his fortune.

Image sources:
@ MrBeast6000 / Facebook

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