Percentage of premium on tobacco?
A minimum tax charge (VAT + Excise) is also set for cigarettes – equal to Euro 193.21 per conventional kilogram / 1000 cigarettes for the year 2021. The premium payable to the retailer (tobacconist) is equal to 10% of the retail price.
How much do you earn per month with a tobacconist?
On average, the salary of a tobacconist can be 1,300 euros per month. A modest figure perhaps below what common sense can let us imagine, especially when it comes to the sale of cigarettes that smokers cannot give up and that have a fairly high and ever-increasing price.
How do you calculate the value of a tobacconist’s?
The valuation of a tobacconist depends on the total agios, i.e. the gross earnings deriving from the sale of products linked to the State Monopoly, to the Lottomatica and / or Sisal concessions for gaming and payment services (RAV / MAV, F24 bulletins, telephone top-ups , car tax, etc.)
How much do you earn from the sale of cigarettes?
Unfortunately, however, the profits on cigarettes for tobacconists are really rosy compared to the real turnover. The premium on cigarettes, i.e. the profit of the trader after taxes, is set at 10% of the selling price. For example, a package of 5.00 will generate a profit of 0.50 cents.
What are the additions of a tobacconist’s?
What is the agio
It is the gross revenue share of the tobacconist’s on state monopoly goods, which will bear the taxes and operating expenses of the tobacconist’s. The premium varies according to the different products or services of the Monopoly: according to sector estimates it is equal to 10% on tobaccos and 8% on games and scratch cards.
Related questions
How to understand how much a tobacconist is worth?
In fact, in order to be able to have a suitable salary for two people, it is estimated that a tobacconist’s should record an extra for at least 60 thousand euros. If this value does not come close to that of the business you are buying, it will be useful to understand if the work can be done by only one person.
How does the nine year work?
The nine year is an additional tax that is paid to the State (once every 9 years) for the “concession” of the privilege of becoming a tobacconist; and for the exclusive right to sell Monopoly products in an established area of approximately 250 meters around the tobacco shop.
How much do you earn by making phone top-ups?
To give an idea, it is necessary to know that tobacconists have an 8% profit on gaming and 10% on tobaccos, a profit ranging from 5 to 10 cents on telephone top-ups and earnings on postepay services, by order of Lottomatica, they fell from 81 to 60 cents per transaction.
How much is the premium on scratch cards?
The receiver is entitled to a premium of 8% of the price printed on the ticket for instant lotteries (Scratch and Win). The fee due to the Receiver is exempt from VAT as provided for by art. 10 comm. 6 of Presidential Decree 633/72.
How much does the bookshop earn on winnings?
The percentage of the premium due to the receiver is equal to 8% of the total collection of bets made in the betting shop.
How do you sell a tobacconist?
The transfer of a monopoly business (tobacconist’s) to third parties involves the signing of a deed of sale of a company or business unit. The notary must indicate in the deed the value of the remaining assets sold (cigarettes, accessories), the value of the depreciable assets as well as the goodwill.
What to know before buying a tobacconist?
To buy a tobacconist you need an investment commensurate with the security of earnings, represented by the agios of tobacco and lotteries. That is why these businesses, more than others, have a fairly high rating.
What to do to sell a tobacconist?
- Copy of the last 2 financial statements. complete annuals with clear. subdivision of agios.
- Copy of the last 3 certifications. official annuals issued by the. Lottomatica, from Sisal and from. …
- Photocopy of the contract of. lease.
- Copy of other permissions:
How much does a tobacconist collect per day?
This means that if an establishment sells 100 packs of cigarettes a day for 5.00 euros, the tobacconist will pocket only 50.00 euros of the 500.00 euros invoiced, which will be subtracted from INPS contributions (23%) and taxes. To make an estimate, the average turnover of a tobacconist is around 1300 euros per month.
How much does a tobacconist earn on revenue stamps?
On revenue stamps and all revenue stamps, the profit of a tobacconist is 5%.
How much is due to the betting shop in the event of a win?
The retailer premium is 10% of the retail price of each ticket. A special prize, proportionate to the size of the win, goes to the seller of the winning tickets.
What are the winning scratch card tickets?
Let’s get to the point, the best way to identify the winning ones is to see the serial number of the Scratch and Win, there are in all sixty serial numbers on the coupon ranging from 000 to 059.
What are the earnings of a newsstand?
While in 2003 a newsstand in a strategic place facing the street, in a classic town of 50,000 inhabitants, could record a net gain of 37,000 euros per year between newspapers, magazines, video games, books and gadgets, in 2016 the annual net income of the same newsstand drops to 8000 euros.
How much does someone who works in the company earn?
Out of 14 months’ salary, the average net income of a worker is 1,364 euros, that of an employee 1,561 euros, that of a manager 2,447 euros and that of a manager 4,167 euros.
What is the salary of a carabiniere?
The same sum also goes to a carabiniere with the degree of police officer chosen while a simple officer receives € 2,268.37 per month. Finally, the amount of the monthly salary relating to the grade of carabiniere chosen is 2173.31 euros while a simple carabiniere is entitled to 2093.35 euros per month.
How much is the salary of a pharmacist?
The salary depends on the job covered and if you are the owner or a simple employee. A novice pharmacist who works as an employee, according to reports, starts from a base of one thousand euros to reach a maximum of 1500 euros per month.
What is the novennial?
The nine year is the tax that is recognized to the Italian State for the Government Concession for the resale of Tobacco and Monopoly products.
What shouldn’t be missing in a tobacconist’s?
Among the products under Monopoly we find the stamped values, the Lottomatica betting shops, Totocalcio and the like and of course products containing tobacco: cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, shredded smoking, snuff and chewing tobacco.
When is the tobacco license revoked?
The AAMS expert replies: Good morning. Unfortunately, the law says that in the event of an infringement of the lot, the tobacco license is also automatically revoked. Try to ask at the office of the Dodgane and Monopolies of your competence if you can make the passage to the coadjutor to save the tobacconist.
How does a tobacconist work?
Over the years, the tobacconist’s has been transformed into a service business to the public; with the telematic networks of Lottomatica and Sisal, customers are provided with services, such as the payment of bills, the sale of “scratch and win” lottery tickets, the payment of car tax, fines and utility bills in …
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