Prince’s death recently rocked the international music community. Prince is not even resting in peace when the first voices are already loud as to what will happen to the legacy of the 265 million euro pop singer. Prince’s death came as a surprise, after all. We do not yet know what the singer died of. All that is known is that he had previously been treated for flu in the hospital. However, a violent crime or suicide is not believed to have resulted in the death of one of the most famous singers in the music world today. Since Prince’s only child has already died and he had no partner by his side before his death, Tyka Nelson, Prince’s sister, could now inherit part of his fortune. It was also she who confirmed that Prince had no will. In addition to Tyka, Prince has five half-siblings who can now also calculate their chances of a proud inheritance.
Since there is no will, the law in the US state of Minnesota, where Prince was born and lived before his death, provides that his six living half-siblings and siblings each have an equal right to his inheritance. In the eyes of the law, no distinction is made between half and full siblings. It’s not just about the fortunes Prince has amassed so far. Because the rights to his music and the license fees associated with it in the future would then flow into the coffers of the heirs. It should be quite considerable sums, because only in the In the first three days after Prince’s death, 600,000 albums and a good 2.3 million songs by the artist were downloaded worldwide. The death of such an iconic singer, who shaped the music world with his very own style, will occupy the world public for a long time.
The life of a late superstar Prince
Prince was born to a half-Italian and an African-American. His father chose the name Prince for him because he had already performed as a jazz pianist as “Prince Rogers”. This was intended to signal that his son could one day fulfill all of his personal ambitions, which unfortunately the father himself had not succeeded in doing. Prince seems to have brought this name in the course of his career, which lasted until his death, anyway. The relationship with his father was not the best, as he later moved away from the family and left Prince and his mother behind. However, the young musician still had his father’s piano, on which he taught himself to play the piano. While his mother was in a new relationship, Prince and his step-siblings played a lot. So it was not surprising that Prince founded his first band together with his family members, namely with some of his cousins. They were known by the band name “Phoenix”. Little by little, Prince was able to establish more and more contacts in the music business in his home town of Minnesota. This is how he met Chris Moon, who comes from England. This in turn would play a crucial role in Prince’s life. Because the Brit advised him to take his Change stage name from “Prince Rogers” to “Prince”. He was also instrumental in the first flat contract. The singer was signed to Warner Bros. Records and received a fee of 160,000 euros for his first three albums. Compared to the sums that Prince would later earn, that was, of course, just peanuts.
Prince, the eternal individualist and rebel
While his record label Prince would have liked to impose the image of a new Stevie Wonder on it, that was not the direction the artist himself wanted to take. It was only when he said goodbye to this path that he was able to celebrate truly groundbreaking national and international successes. 1984 was definitely Prince’s most commercially successful career year. Because at that time appeared “Purple Rain. ”Even now at Prince’s death, the world remembers the purple rain that made him a real superstar. None of his albums could sell more worldwide than this Prince Prince. In the course of his career, the artist, who won several American Music Awards at an early age, reinvented himself again and again. Just like P. Diddy, Prince went through various phases in which he no longer wanted to be addressed by his old stage name / name. So from 1993 to 2000 his nameless period followed, during which he was only known under a completely unpronounceable symbol.
At the end of his career, however, Prince had increasingly separated himself from the music industry. It wasn’t until March 2016 that the artist signed a contract with Random House for his memoir. It remains to be seen whether these will appear. However, Prince will forever be remembered for his stylistic diversity. There is hardly an artist who is so difficult to assign to just one genre as Prince. He has always been considered a rebel and pioneer in the music industry, who was also a role model and a real icon for many other artists around the world. Even from an actor and a film director, the all-rounder has appeared again and again, so that the gap that the artist is now leaving will be difficult to fill.
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