
What is Delonte West’s Net Worth?

Delonte West’s net worth is estimated at $1 million as of 2022. However, West has struggled with personal issues. He lived in the locker room of the Mavericks during the lockout, sold off several cars and jewelry, and even applied for a temporary job at Home Depot. His net worth was significantly diminished by a divorce and legal fees. He was even photographed looking homeless in one photo.

Delonte West is an American former professional basketball player. He earned around $14 million during his NBA career. He was one of the highest paid players in his generation, and at one point was one of the most disadvantaged. He is currently homeless, but has been on the verge of becoming one of the richest players of all time. Let’s find out more about his net worth! It’s a staggering sum.

Derrick West has struggled with drug addiction throughout his life. He was even convicted of drug abuse during his adolescence. In 2008, he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. West later cleared this diagnosis by saying that he was stressed about basketball and depression. West was suspended from the NBA and worked as a home improvement contractor. In 2011, he married Caressa Madden, his wife of three years.

The most impressive thing about his career is his ability to overcome challenges. Despite the fact that he was an athlete with a high net worth, he struggled with mental illness and spent time in children’s hospitals. His determination to succeed overcame those obstacles, and now he has made a career out of helping others. It’s no surprise that his net worth has been growing steadily ever since.

West played in the NBA from 2004 to 2012 for the Dallas Mavericks and has gone on to play for various Chinese professional basketball teams. His career earned him more than $16 million, but his net worth is expected to decline to $1,000 by 2021. He has also had financial troubles and has been homeless twice in his life. His first marriage ended in divorce and he was forced to sell his jewelry and several cars to make ends meet.

Delonte West was born on July 26, 1983 in Washington DC. He attended Eleanor Roosevelt High School. He played college basketball at St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia and was one of the Elite Eight teams in the NCAA Tournament in 2004. He later went on to play for the Chinese national basketball league. During his career, he battled bipolar disorder and was arrested for drug possession. He is currently battling a custody battle and is considering retirement.

During his time in rehab, Delonte West also took up an employment at a drug rehabilitation center in Florida. This job has allowed him to get back in shape and enjoy his sport again. He has also been spotted playing basketball and disc golf. Additionally, West works at the same rehab center where he received treatment. Fortunately, his coworkers have understood his situation and are supporting him while he heals.