Who is Federica Nargi? Biography, Age, Sister Claudia Nargi, Husband and Physicist
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Federica Nargi is an actress and showgirl, born in Rome in 1990, known for being Velina di Strip The News. Federica Nargi she has been engaged for many years with the former footballer Alessandro Matri and the couple has two daughters. Federica was a competitor of Tale & Which Show 2021.
Who is Federica Nargi?
- First name: Federica Nargi
- Age: 31 years old
- Zodiac sign: fish tank
- Date of birth: February 5, 1990
- Birth place: Rome
- Sister: Claudia Nargi
- Husband: Alessandro Matri
- Sons: two daughters
- Height: 179 cm
- Weight:55 kg
- Tattoos: Federica Nargi has a star tattooed on her crotch
- Official Instagram Profile: @fede_nargi
- Follow us on our official Instagram profile: @ chiecosa.it
Federica Nargi was born in Rome on February 5, 1990, from Mamma Concetta and Papa Claudio and has a sister who closely resembles her in name Claudia Nargi. The two sisters have been defined as the Italian Kardashians. From an early age she attended a dance school, later she participated in various beauty contests until arriving at Miss Italy where he wins the band of Miss Rome and then that of Miss Cotonella. In 2008 he participated in Veline and won in the category of blackberries paired with the blonde Costanza Caracciolo.
The two girls on the counter of Striscia are so successful that they have been confirmed for four editions, until 2012. During these years she has been at the center of the Gossip for the love story with Francesco Botta, former competitor of Big Brother 8 together with Raffaella FIG. After the experience of Striscia the news Federica is divided between the activity of model, and that of actress. In 2012 he participates in the reality show Beijing Express paired with Costanza Caracciolo.
Federica Nargi it’s a real one influencer and web star: with almost 4 million followers on Instagram she is one of the most followed influencers. Federica shares photos of fashion, moments of relaxation and of her family.
Federica Nargi is 179 cm tall and about 55 kg: she has a lean and toned physique, even after having two pregnancies. Federica said in an interview with Vanity fair that she dedicates half an hour a day at training focusing mainly on the legs and buttocks. Federica Nargi drinks a lot of water and doesn’t give up on her Nutella donut for breakfast.
Such and what Show 2021
Federica Nargi is one of the competitors of Such and Which Show, the Rai Uno talent show hosted by Carlo Conti. Together with participate as competitors: Pierpaolo Pretelli, Alba Parietti, Francesca Alotta, Stefania Orlando, Ciro Priello, Deborah Johnson, Dennis Fantina, Gemini di Guidonia, Simone Montedoro and Biagio Izzo.
The program, which has reached edition number 11, sees four judges: Loretta Goggi, Cristiano Malgioglio and Giorgio Panariello have been confirmed.
- In the early evening Federica Nargi imitates Elettra Lamborghini with the performance on the notes of the Pistolero song, the hit of the summer. Federica also improvised a twerk. With this performance he ranks 7th in the provisional ranking.
- In the second episode Federica Nargi plays the role of Baby K: another character of Pop music. Federica does very well in these musical roles and Tale and Which Show seems to be the right program for her. However, it closes the second episode in last place.
- In the third episode by Tale and Which Show Federica Nargi plays Jennifer Lopez, continuing the Pop tradition of her path in the program. Her performance brings her to the penultimate place of the provisional ranking.
- In the fourth episode Federica must imitate Heather Parisi. The famous blonde showgirl is a nice challenge for Nargi.
- In the sixth episode Federica plays the role of Romina Power who made her fortunes singing in tandem with Al Bano.
- Eighth in the provisional ranking, Federica Nargi, in seventh episode imitates Cristina D’Avena
- In the’last episode of Tale and Which Show Federica Nargi imitates Sylvie Vartan. Federica is classified in eleventh place and the victory goes to the Guidonia Twins.
Career: from the tissue paper and the Beijing Express
Federica Nargi is a 31-year-old model, showgirl, actress and presenter born in Rome. She approached the world of entertainment when in 2007 she took part in Miss Italy where she won the bands of Miss Roma and Miss Cotonella. From here she participates and wins in the Veline program which allows her to become the Velina Mora of “Strip the news” paired with Costanza Caracciolo, a blonde tissue and her current great friend.
Inside the tg satirical they get a great personal success enough to be confirmed for four years, will then be replaced by Alessia Reato and Giulia Calcaterra. After Striscia participates, always together with Costanza at the Beijing Express reality show in 2012.
Debuts in the Theater in 2013 with the comedy “He and She – instructions for the couple” directed by Federico Moccia and with Gabriele Cirilli and Roberta Giarrusso. Meanwhile it is model and testimonial of several fashion houses including Koraline and YamamaY. In 2016 he joined the cast of the sixth episode of the Canale 5 fiction “The beauty of women … a few years later”, where he stars with Rosalinda Cannavò.
In 2017 Federica gets the role of presenter of the show “Colorado” together with Paolo Ruffini, ex-partner of the former singer of friends Diana Del Bufalo and Gianluca Fubelli, ex-boyfriend of Elena Morali. The beautiful Federica in the program has been a great personal success thanks to the sympathy, sunshine and great professionalism. In 2021 she is one of the competitors of Tale and Which Show 2021
Alessandro Matri
Federica Nargi and Alessandro Matri have been engaged for over 10 years. They had to marry in 2020 but the covid slipped the date. The couple met in Milan through some mutual friends in November 2008 but the relationship didn’t start right away.
READ ALSO: Federica Nargi, this is how love with Alessandro Matri was born
In fact, for Alessandro Matri it was love at first sight while Federica was slower: after a courtship that lasted several months, the couple got engaged. Federica told in an interview she couldn’t believe she had met such a perfect man: polite, kind, respectful and never a word out of place.
Alessandro is also very messy, while Federica is a freak of order: despite this difference, the couple found their balance. Recently Alessandro also said goodbye to football: in announcing his retirement from the fields he declared that he wanted to devote himself more to his family made up by Federica and their two girls!
Federica Nargi Daughters
Federica Nargi is the mother of two girls: Sofia, born on September 26, 2016 and Beatrice, born on March 16, 2019. Federica stated, regarding the relationship with Alessandro after the birth of the girls: “We were already very close before and now we are even more so.”
Article by Stefania Sal
Tag #Colorado #beijing express #scratch the news #Tale and Which Show
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