Who is Valentina Ferragni: Age, Job, Illness, Boyfriend, Sister Chiara Ferragni
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Valentina Ferragni is a 28-year-old influencer and fashion blogger, sister of the better known Chiara Ferragni. Founder and head of the Valentina Ferragni Studio, the young woman is known for being one of the promises of today’s lifestyle, thanks to her stylish and elegant creations. After having been victim of body shaming on social media, now he is happy to celebrate birth of her niece Vittoria, daughter of her sister Chiara and Fedez.
Who is it Valentina Ferragni?
- No.like: Valentina Ferragni
- Zodiac sign: Capricorn
- Age: 28 years
- Date of birth: December 29, 1992
- Birth place: Cremona
- Profession: influencer and fashion blogger
- Educational qualification: Degree in Media Languages
- Height: 170 cm
- Weight: 55 kg
- Tattoos: it has 2 including a heart pierced by an arrow between the breasts
- Official Instagram Profile: @valentinaferragni
- Official site: www.valentinaferragnistudio.com
- Follow us on our Official Instagram profile: @ chiecosa.it
Valentina Ferragni was born in Cremona on December 29th 1992 by Marco Ferragni (dentist) e Marina di Guardo (Writer). She was born prematurely, weighing less than one kilogram, which forced doctors to keep her in an incubator for three months in the intensive care unit in Bolzano. He grows up with his sisters Clear (1987) and Francesca (1989). The parents separate in 2002, and Valentina remains with her sisters and mother in Cremona.
Enrolls in the Faculty of Media Language at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan, and finished his studies on 9 October 2015, discussing a degree thesis on the influence of social bloggers in society.
Passionate about interior design, obtains noteworthy assignments; in fact collaborates with Levi’s, Pomellato, Guess, Peppe Chocolate and many other well-known brands. Create your own line of costumes (Milano Marittima) and founds the Valentina Ferragni Studio, which produces (entirely in Italy) accessories, especially earrings.
Sentimentally linked to the dental hygienist and blogger Luca Veliz, Valentina currently lives in Milan, and is highly sought after by many brands who would like her to be a model, collaborator and guest for special events.
Valentina Ferragni at Easter 2021 he tells his followers that he has discovered that he suffers from a disease that is difficult to diagnose. This is insulin resistance or the inability of cells to process glucose properly. This can lead to diabetes and other complications. For this Valentina has now declared that
I am following a diet that is based on my needs and problems
Work and career
After graduation, Valentina Ferragni begins to get noticed above all for her passion for interior design, for hers ability to know how to coordinate good taste and elegance and the stubbornness to carry out his dreams.
Collaborate with major brands such as Levi’s, Guess, ChicPhobia, Pepper Chocolate and Pomellato, and started her own line of swimwear: Milano Marittima. Found the Valentina Ferragni Studio, which mostly produces accessories, especially earrings, which have a refined and recognizable style; Valentina takes care of the brand, sponsors them as a model for the creations, and is keen to emphasize that the production is entirely conducted in Italy.
Valentina, a few years ago, should have attended the Big Brother Vip, his entry was expected together with two other characters: Chiara Biasi, former tronista of Men and women by Maria De Filippi, who shared the throne with Andrea Damante, and Mariano Di Vaio. However, the news turned out to be false, because the influencer actually did not participate in the reality.
Valentina Ferragni on instagram is obviously very popular. The profile almost counts 4 million followers. Very active, Valentina, publishes the sponsorships with the various brands that compete for it, daily life with her family, and her great love for her boyfriend.
Private life
We know about Valentina that she is very attached to the family. We often see her in the company of sister Chiara, with Fedez and their son Leone. Despite the divorce of the parents, the family is solid and there is no lack of opportunities for sharing between the members.
Engaged Luca Veliz
Valentina Ferragni has been linked for 8 years to the dental hygienist and blogger Luca Veliz. The two always show themselves very close and in love on social networks.
To the couple (Valentina Ferragni and Luca Veliz) was proposed to be part of the cast of Temptation Island, but with poor results. The two, in fact, would have had no reason to “test” their relationship, which they consider solid and lasting.
He has recently been released from MTV Cribs Italy, the new program that sees Luca Veliz open the doors of his home, shared with Valentina and the dog Pablo.
The case of body shaming
Some time ago, Valentina Ferragni has been “accused” of not being fit enough to sponsor fashion products. Someone wrote below one of his posts:
Forgive me but this has to advertise? Leave room for the models to those who do this in life. He does not have a waistline, he is not a harmonious physique in my opinion. She’s a beautiful girl but not up to advertising, please I’m chubby I don’t pretend to have the body of a model or I’m an actress I’m not stealing a ballerina’s place. These want to do everything but a little realism is square, be patient
Valentina did not let it go, and immediately after he replied:
Instead you know what? If you want to be a dancer, be a dancer, if you want to be an actress, be an actress, if you want to work in fashion do it. You don’t have to feel any less beautiful or less good if you don’t equal the standards set by society.
Recently, however, it has been targeted again. A video posted with her boyfriend is under accusation.
In the image we find Luca embracing Valentina, e a follower commented on the post assuming a pregnancy, because of the “bacon” that the embrace reveals. If initially Ferragni replies in an ironic and polite tone, denying the pregnancy, once the case “broke out”, she found herself having to categorically deny the rumors about the pregnancy, also having to explain the reason for that “bacon”.
Guys stop asking me if I’m pregnant, I’m NOT! I have metabolic and insulin problems (and I also love eating), so the only belly you see is due to this.
Valentina has 3 visible tattoos:
- a heart pierced by an arrow between the breasts;
- an inscription in italics on the inside of the left arm;
- a vertical writing on the right outer thigh.
- she is passionate about pool dance, who practiced with tenacity during the lockdown;
- he also has a 12-year-old brother, son of his father Marco;
- has a dog named Pablo;
- she loves mirrors very much, in fact, the house she shares with her boyfriend is full of them;
- said he had a sleepless night, due towaiting for the birth of Vittoria Ferragni Lucia, the new arrival in the house of the Ferragnez;
- One of his favorite dishes: spaghetti with sauce and basil.
Valentina Ferragni Videos
Passionate about fashion and make-up, here is a video tutorial of Valentina struggling with natural and elegant make-up.
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