12 Best Things About Using Infographics
Infographics are a great way to get your point across in an innovative and engaging manner. With the help of infographics, you can convey complex information quickly and concisely.
Infographic design is rising, with more than 20 million websites using them as part of their content marketing strategy. But what are some of the best things about using infographics? We’ve compiled 12 reasons below:
1) They’re easy to digest.
Infographics present data in an easy-to-understand format that’s designed for quick consumption. This makes it easier for readers to grasp ideas without having to read through paragraphs or pages of text.
2)They’re shareable.
Because they’re visually appealing, infographics will often go viral on social media. People love to share them as a way of passing on information that is useful and relevant to their communities.
3)They’re user-friendly.
Infographics don’t just benefit your readers, they also benefit you as a marketer as well as the website your infographic lives on! In addition to better SEO rankings, infographics also provide marketers with high-value links to their site.
4) They’re informative.
There’s a reason that infographics are popular in the digital marketing field; they can be used to convey complex information quickly and efficiently. It doesn’t take long before readers will learn something new from an infographic, whether it’s related to business or education.
5) They’re beautiful.
Let’s admit it, infographics are just really pretty to look at! It can be nice just to scroll through them on social media sites because of their visual appeal. Well-designed infographics are aesthetically pleasing and deliver information in an interesting way. A great infographic will even encourage people who don’t have any real interest in the topic to read your article!
6) They’re fun.
Who said infographic design was boring? The best infographics are visually appealing, engaging, and interactive. All you have to do is take a look at some of the best infographics online and we think you’ll agree that infographics are not only useful but also tons of fun!
7) They can be used to tell stories.
Many infographics use data visualization techniques to create a narrative for their content. This makes them more than just an informative resource; they’re often rich with storytelling elements that keep people engaged and entertained.
8)They look great on any screen.
Because of how important they’ve become, you can find infographics just about anywhere online: social media, websites, blogs, and more. However, they’ll always look their best when viewed on a big screen.
9) They provoke action.
With most infographics, there is usually an overall objective that drives the information presented in the design. Whether it’s to explain a process or make an argument about something, infographics are meant to inspire people to take action.
10) They’re informative.
Infographics are great for getting information across in a fun, visual way that the reader will remember long after they’ve viewed your design. This is why infographics can be a very efficient and effective marketing tool.
11) They’re fun to create.
Infographics require a lot of work but they can be a blast to make. Younger entrepreneurs might consider infographics as an alternative way to launch their first startup if they’re on a tight budget! There are also many free tools you can use online for infographic design and development.
One way to make cool infographics is to use Venngage — a free infographic maker that offers a wide range of infographic templates that are open for everyone’s use. Here are some infographic examples from their website!

12) They can be used as an educational resource.
Used correctly, infographics can not only inform the people who read them but also teach them something new. This is why infographics are such an effective marketing tool for businesses and entrepreneurs as well as educators!
Infographics are a great way to present information in an entertaining and engaging way. Whether you’re in the digital marketing field or just love creating infographics, there are many reasons why they’re so popular! If you’re having a hard time designing your own infographic, then consider using Venngage infographics. To start, click here!