8 Health Benefits of A Low-Carb Lifestyle
Diabetes treatment and prevention is an important consideration for people of all ages. Type 2 diabetes has been shown to be a growing health problem among older adults, shortening lifespan and causing a myriad of other health problems.
If diabetes is managed successfully however, you can still enjoy a healthy life. One way to help control Type 2 diabetes or prevent it is by adopting a low-carb lifestyle. There are many benefits of doing this. Here are eight of the most significant health benefits of a low-carb lifestyle that can help with diabetes treatment and prevention.
Control Your Blood Glucose Level
Your body breaks carbs down into sugars (mostly glucose), and insulin then aids your body to store sugar for energy. When you eat too many carbs or have insulin-function problems, this process fails, leading to a rise in blood glucose levels. Managing carb intake by counting carbs and being aware of how many you need can be an effective way to control your blood glucose levels. Many studies show that a low-carb diet helps reduce blood sugar levels and prevent blood sugar spikes.
Fewer Correlated Health Problems
One of the biggest concerns when a person is diagnosed with diabetes is that other health problems can easily enter the picture. Whether diabetes causes cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses is not precisely known. What studies have shown however, is that a correlation does exist between these conditions.
Some of the biggest health benefits of switching to a low-carb diet include:
- Fewer instances of hypoglycaemia; this is particularly true in people with diabetes who are dependent on insulin
- Cancer prevention
- Lower blood pressure, especially if it’s currently high
- Lower triglyceride levels, which is important for heart health
Taking Less Medication
If you can control your diabetes and blood sugar by adopting a low-carbohydrate diet, it means a minimised reliance on prescription medications. This includes insulin but also other medications prescribed to control diabetes.
Doctors usually love when medical conditions can be managed naturally, as a natural approach without the use of medication is generally what is best for your body. Other advantages of taking less medication is that you have less to manage and remember, won’t be tethered to a medication schedule, and can save on costs.
Less Strain on Insulin-Producing Cells
Many prominent researchers believe that, at least in part, overworked beta cells that produce insulin may be responsible for diabetes, primarily Type 2 diabetes. High-carbohydrate diets coupled with low levels of activity cause these cells to become tired and fail.
While this process may have already begun in your body, it can be slowed and even reversed. The key to doing this? Give them a break and let them rest by eating fewer carbs. With less sugar to process, your cells don’t have to work as hard and pump out more insulin than desired.
Eating More Healthy Foods
One of the most notable benefits of switching to a low-carbohydrate diet is that you’ll start eating more healthier foods, especially vegetables and plant-based foods. Plant-based foods are packed with vitamins and nutrients that your body needs for general well-being and healthy functioning.
In addition, many people also start getting more lean protein in their diets: chicken and poultry, fish, and low-fat dairy products, which are excellent alternatives to sugar and carb-heavy foods. Eating a healthy diet consisting of more vegetables and healthy proteins provides you with more energy and will generally help you physically feel better.
Aiding in Weight Loss
You’ve probably already heard of people cutting out carbohydrates from their diet to lose weight. While using this method as a crash diet rarely works, in the long run if done sustainably, it can lead to long-term change and significant weight loss.
Enjoying More Energy
If you have diabetes, it can be difficult for your body to break down sugar, leading to higher fatigue. When you’re no longer requiring your body to work extra hard on breaking down sugar, it can use that energy on other things. Furthermore, when your body is getting most of the nutrients and vitamins needed from the healthy food you’re consuming, it doesn’t need artificial energy from sugar and caffeine.
Having Clearer Thoughts
Improving your diet can also impact your memory and brain functioning. This is especially the case for people with diabetes because blood sugar that is too high or too low can cause brain fog and mental unclarity. Having a clear mind is one of the most reported benefits of a low-carbohydrate diet and has even been known to aid with severe attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Whether it be by gaining health benefits like lower blood pressure to relying less on medication or increasing energy levels to focus on things you love, converting to a low-carbohydrate diet is sure to enhance your overall quality of life and is something to start thinking about doing today.