Statikleo Net Worth
While we don’t have the exact information on Statikleo’s net worth, we can estimate it by looking at his YouTube videos. To date, the YouTuber has posted 351 videos with a combined total of 36.6 million views. This means that he earns between $101 and $314 per video. If we factor in the number of views he receives each month, Statikleo’s net worth could be anywhere from $35.9 thousand to $92.9 thousand.
The creator of Statikeleo is an avid YouTuber, making videos about off-roading and cars. Many of these videos have over 70,000 views in just two days, and he offers stuff on his web store. Despite the success of his videos, few details about Statikleo’s personal life have been revealed. According to his Instagram account, Statikleo is a US citizen. His videos are extremely popular, with his subscribers numbering over 200,000.
The Youtube star’s real name is Leo. The YouTube channel he runs has over 167,000 subscribers and over 200 million views. The contents on StatikLeo’s channel are about cars, trucks, and truckin. His relationship with his fans is solid and is a testament to the strength of his content. However, Statikleo has not revealed how much money he earns from this channel. However, he does own his own brand and has a net worth of approximately $5 million.