
The Future of GPS Tracking: What to Expect in the Next Decade

GPS tracking has come a long way in the last 10 years and it looks like it will continue to be promising in the next decade. Basically, the GPS tracking trend has changed many companies and organizations. They have changed in many ways, especially in property tracking, work efficiency, and employee monitoring. What does the future tracking solution look like?

Device miniaturization is a trend

There are many trends that have emerged along with the increase in popularity of GPS location trackers, one of which is device miniaturization. Today most GPS location tracking devices are small enough to be tucked away, in stark contrast to most GPS devices in the past. With the miniaturization of devices, GPS trackers are easier to install and conceal, which ensures their security functions. In the future, as technology develops, the components used are likely to get smaller, so future devices are expected to be even smaller.

Increased precision

GPS location tracking relies on precision and in the past, GPS trackers were often interrupted by signal interference. When that happened they often became unreliable. Today, the use of multiple satellite constellations and more sophisticated algorithms can minimize the effects of signal interference and in the next decade, it will be even better.

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT is one of the strengths of modern GPS tracking devices as it enables real-time tracking information integrated with other data and systems. Integration with other data and systems enables the emergence of new applications such as predictive maintenance.

5G integration

This is a new generation of cellular network technology with extremely fast data transfer capabilities and low latency. Its application to GPS location tracking devices provides much faster and more accurate data transmission capabilities. In the next decade, most GPS location trackers will be powered by 5G network technology.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is not just hype, it is a new real situation that is in our midst. The application of AI technology allows for more accurate and much faster predictions on anything, including GPS location tracking. Some GPS location trackers are already equipped with AI technology whose function is to predict when the equipment might fail or what patterns indicate a security risk. The integration of AI technology will influence the GPS location tracker market in the next decade where most trackers will be AI-powered. We can expect trackers that not only provide location information but also accurate predictions.

Edge computing

This is a type of computing that processes data as close to the source as possible. If applied to GPS tracking devices it will increase the speed of real-time data and as a result, target monitoring can be close to the situation where we are next to the target. Very real-time!

The above points are an overview of the “form and capabilities” of GPS location trackers in the next decade. Not all points may be accommodated on all devices but most of them are expected to accommodate what has been described above. 

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