Tips on How to Protect Your Solid Wood Furniture
When it comes to protecting your solid wood furniture from scratches and damage, there are a number of different techniques you can use. Protective coverings, touch up markers, water sealants and UV ray protection are just a few of the options. Using these techniques will prevent your luxury furniture from becoming damaged by UV rays, dust, and light.
Water sealant
To prevent staining and moisture damage to solid wood furniture, a good water sealant is required. There are two types: oil-based and water-based sealants. While oil-based sealants are more durable, they require more frequent reapplications. Oil stains penetrate the wood better than water stains and tend to trap moisture.
When using water-based sealants, you must ensure that the wood is completely dry before using it. Stirring the sealant after it has dried will trap air bubbles, which can prevent the sealant’s drying completely. A two or three-coat application of oil will make your solid wood furniture waterproof. For best results, it is recommended to apply the sealant every few month.
Polishing solid wood furniture can be a great way of protecting and enhancing its natural beauty. A quality polish will enhance the grain and luster of the wood while protecting the finish from spills. It also works as a protective barrier against dust, soil, and smudges. It’s quick to apply.
It is important to thoroughly clean the wood before applying the polish. Dust and dirt can attract the product and eventually create a dull appearance. To clean the surface, you can use a professional wood cleaner or a solution of hot water and dish soap. You can wipe the furniture clean with a microfiber cloth and polish it to shine. Make sure to clean corners and crevices as well. It also helps to open cabinets to polish the interior spaces.
UV rays
Protect your solid wood furniture from the harmful UV rays to ensure it looks its best. The UV rays of the sun can cause wood to become discolored and change its color. In order to prevent this from happening, you can use UV-resistant coatings on your wood furniture.
There are UV-resistant coatings on the market. These are made from a chemical that blocks the sun’s rays. They are available in different types and provide different benefits. One type protects furniture from UV rays by adding UV inhibitors. You can also protect the surface with linseed oil and lacquer. Linseed oil has a slower drying time and requires two coats for complete protection.
Humidity changes can cause wood furniture to crack. When the relative humidity is high, the wood swells and becomes strained, which leads to cracks. When the humidity level is low, the wood dries and shrinks. Although small changes in humidity are normal, they can cause warping and splitting. To avoid these problems, try to keep the relative humidity level constant.
It is important to maintain solid wood furniture in good condition by keeping the humidity at a comfortable level. Keep the relative humidity at around 50%. Humidity over seventy percent can cause wood to contract and crack. Even the best furniture oil will not keep the furniture from drying out if it is subjected to sudden changes in humidity.
The first thing to do when you want to protect your solid wood furniture from insects is to thoroughly inspect it. Bugs can be attracted to the wood and eat it, so if you suspect that you have a problem, you should treat the furniture to kill the pests. You can use a commercial insecticide, but be sure to follow the directions on the label for safe results. However, if you are trying to save money, there are also several eco-friendly options you can use.
Wood beetles and other insects can cause significant damage to wooden furniture. Wood beetles and woodworms are pests that often need spot treatments to avoid damaging the furniture, but in severe infestations you may need to seek professional help.