Write for us lifestyle blog
Write for us lifestyle blog Guidelines:
- Yes, We accept guest posts on Digitalglobaltimes.com
- Article should be unique, plagiarise-free, informative and non-promotional.
- Article should be 600 + words long and original written.
- Only one do-follow link is allowed. For extra links, you have to pay an extra fee.
- Send us your pitch at zeeshant371@gmail.com
MOM News Daily is a lifestyle blog that allows guest posting. If you are passionate about a specific topic and can provide a fresh perspective, consider writing for our site. We welcome new ideas and welcome guest posts on our website. The length of a lifestyle blog post should be between 350-700 words. Listed below are some of the requirements we look for in a good guest post. Please read the guidelines carefully and follow them closely.
Your topic can be any subject, from food to fitness. The first paragraph should contain your focus keyword, while the middle two paragraphs should contain supporting keywords. When writing for our website, remember to include at least one or two references to reputable publications. These are often included on the author’s bio, and these links are essential to the success of your submission. While writing for us, don’t forget to provide a bio of yourself and a link to at least one or two credible publications.
Your bio should be no more than 200 characters. You should also have a short author bio (no more than a few lines). Your article should be around 800 words. Don’t forget to include your focus keyword in the first paragraph. The middle paragraphs should include supporting keywords. In addition, your author bio should include links to one to two credible publications that have published similar content. All these details should be included at the end of the article.
A guest post can be on any topic, including food, health, or fitness. Make sure that you provide at least 800 words for your post. You must have at least one to two credible publications in your bio. Then, you must submit your article to at least two different sites to get the most exposure. Your guest post will help increase the amount of visitors you receive to your website. In addition to this, your guest post will increase your blog’s visibility and traffic!
Your article can be on any topic. Your author bio should contain about 200 words. The article should contain 800 words. You must also include a short author bio (200-characters). The post should have at least one to two credible publications listed in your bio. Your topic should be relevant to the theme of the guest post. It should also be at least 800-words long. You must include at least one or two sources.
Your article should be about any topic that is relevant to your audience. It should be at least 800 words long and include your author bio and two other credible publications. Your article should contain a focus keyword in the first paragraph, two supporting keywords in the middle paragraph, and a couple of references. Then, it should be listed in one or two credible publications. You must also include at least one credible publication in your bio. So, make sure to write for us today!
Your article can be about any topic. You can also provide a bio of yourself that contains two to four keywords. For example, you could write about your favorite food. You can also write about your favorite holiday. If you’re a foodie, write a post on a related topic and mention at least two sources of credible information. Your bio should be a maximum of 200 characters. When you submit your article, don’t forget to include a source or two.
Generally, the subject you choose should be relevant to your readers. The article should be 800 words long. The author bio should be 200 characters long. You must include one or two credible publications in your bio. You can also include a short author bio that is up to 200 characters long. The article must also contain the focus keyword in the first paragraph. You should include a minimum of two references in your bio, including your website and a few articles from your own site.
Your article should be about any topic that you are passionate about. Be sure to include a brief author bio of no more than 200 characters. In addition, the article must be at least 800 words long and include one or two references. Moreover, your author bio should be about 200 characters long. Your bio should include one or two credible publications, including a blog. You can also list your work’s sources in the bio.