Jan Böhmermann: fortune of the satirist
How much money does Jan Böhmermann have?
With his late night show Neo Magazine Royale Jan Böhmermann repeatedly caused small and large scandals. Among other things, he quarreled with the Turkish President Recep Erdoğan. Jan Böhmermann keeps his private life a secret, you only know that he is the father of several children. When it comes to the question of whether he is married or in a relationship with a woman, he keeps a low profile. Meanwhile, the moderator is with the ZDF Magazine Royale arrived in the main program of the public broadcaster. He also works as a podcaster, book author and musician. The cherished Jan Böhmermann’s assets are 5 million euros.
Jan Böhmermann’s sources of income
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The beginnings on the radio
At the age of 18, Jan Böhmermann gained his first experience in the online editorial team of Radio Bremen. However, his big goal was to become an actor, which is why he applied to four drama schools. Three refused him, the fourth he received an acceptance, but did not start the course. Instead of this From 2002 to 2004 he volunteered at Radio Bremen. Then he went to 1 Live, for which he also moved to Cologne.
A larger audience Jan Böhmermann became known when he started the radio column in 2004 Lukas’ diary developed and spoken. This was characterized by an exaggerated representation of the then German national player Lukas Podolski. In addition to being broadcast on the radio, the column was also published as a podcast, and Böhmermann also completed a total of three tours on which he was Lukas’ diary presented on stage.
Prize winner and sidekick by Harald Schmidt
His Jan Böhmermann made his television debut in 2007 with the WDR comedy show real Bohemian man. At the beginning of 2009, two episodes of the program ran on RTL TV heroes with Böhmermann, Caroline Corneli and Pierre M. Krause. Although the show was quickly canceled, it was awarded a German Television Prize in 2009. Böhmermann was an ensemble member of the show from 2009 to 2011 Harald Schmidtwhich only ran on ARD and from 2011 on Sat.1. In 2012, Böhmermann hosted the ZDFkultur talk show with Charlotte Roche Roche & Böhmermann.
International differences
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The most successful Spotify podcast
In September 2012 Jan Böhmermann presented a radio program with the musician Olli Schulz Gentle & Careful. Their episodes were also published as podcasts and enjoyed great popularity. So he took Streaming service Spotify Böhmermann and Schulz 2016 exclusively under contract. The first episode of Firm & fluffy, which became the platform’s most successful podcast. Jan Böhmermann continues to increase his fortune with earnings from Spotify.
In addition to his activities as a TV presenter and podcaster, Jan Böhmermann also appears as a musician and book author. With the songs I have police (2015) and People live dance world (2017) it reached the top 10 of the German charts. His first book was published in 2009 Everything, everything about Germany. Half-knowledge compact, In 2020 he brought with him Not followed by anyone you follow: Twitter Diary. 2009-2020 a collection of his best tweets. The income from the books and songs naturally increases his wealth further.
Image sources:
Cover picture: Jonas Rogowski [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Manfred Werner (Tsui) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons
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