
Linda McMahon Net Worth

While you might think Linda McMahon’s net worth is limited, it is actually quite large. Linda has spent most of her career in the entertainment industry, but she’s also made major investments in politics and business. In 2009, she ran for U.S. Senate, but she lost the general election to Democratic Party nominee Richard Blumenthal. In 2012, she ran for the same office again, but this time she lost to Democrat Chris Murphy. Most recently, she’s been nominated to be the administrator of the Small Business Administration by President-elect Donald Trump.

Despite her age, McMahon is a billionaire and is considered one of the richest women in the world. She has a net worth of $1.6 billion and is currently chair of the America First Action Super PAC, which is associated with supporters of former President Trump. McMahon and her family live in a $40 million mansion in Greenwich, Connecticut, a $20 million vacation home, and a $12 million penthouse in Manhattan. McMahon is 73 years old and is a former professional wrestler, executive, and businesswoman.

McMahon is a highly successful entrepreneur. She has been a board member of Sacred Heart University since November 2004. She also serves as a board member for a number of organizations, including the USO, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation, and the Starlight Federation. As a result of her successful career in the entertainment industry, she has amassed a huge net worth.

McMahon is also the wife of Vince McMahon, who was the CEO of the world’s biggest wrestling company. Her husband, Vince McMahon, is also a wealthy man and owns 42% of the company. Although her net worth is massive, her wealth and business success make it difficult for her to keep up with the demands of the wrestling world.

The McMahons accumulated millions of dollars in assets during her lifetime. According to the latest joint financial disclosure documents, the couple owns billions of dollars. Their portfolios include real estate in Greenwich, Connecticut, and investments in hedge funds. It is also unclear if McMahon is a part-time employee of Wrestling Entertainment. But she still maintains a diverse portfolio of stocks and bonds outside the company’s main business.

The McMahons are active in politics. McMahon ran for the United States Senate two times and failed both times. She is a strong Republican donor and donated money to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Linda and Vince McMahon’s family have supported many charitable causes through their business, including sports organizations. The McMahons recently donated $8 million to various charities. They also donated $2.5 million towards a tennis facility in San Diego.