
Test case management for security testing: 4 basic points to consider

Security testing plays an important role in identifying vulnerabilities and safeguarding software from potential threats. In this article, Zebrunner test management platform delves into security testing, emphasizing the significance of effective test case management to fortify your software against security risks.

When do we need security testing?

Security testing is a specialized domain within software testing that focuses on evaluating the resilience of a system against potential security threats. It involves systematically assessing various aspects of an application to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses that could be exploited by malicious actors. The goal is to establish a robust defense mechanism that protects sensitive data, ensures user privacy, and maintains the integrity of the software.

Software security testing is crucial for applications that handle sensitive data, perform critical functions, or have a substantial user base. This includes web and mobile applications dealing with personal and financial information, e-commerce platforms managing transactions, healthcare and financial software safeguarding sensitive data, critical infrastructure systems, government software, and Internet of IoT devices. For these applications, security testing is essential to prevent unauthorized access, data breaches, and potential cyber threats that could compromise user privacy, financial integrity, or even public safety. 

Effective test case management is a cornerstone of successful security testing. By implementing comprehensive test cases and scenarios, employing various security testing types, and adopting suitable testing approaches, organizations can enhance the security posture of their software and protect it from potential threats and vulnerabilities. 

Security testing types

There are several types of security testing, each addressing specific aspects of an application’s security posture.

Vulnerability assessment

You identify and assess vulnerabilities in the software to understand potential entry points for attackers.

The primary objective of vulnerability assessment is to proactively discover vulnerabilities before somebody can exploit them, thereby fortifying the software against security threats. This assessment involves a systematic and comprehensive analysis of the application’s components, configurations, and functionalities to ensure a robust defense mechanism.

Penetration testing

You simulate real-world attacks to exploit vulnerabilities and assess the effectiveness of security measures. The primary objective is to assess the effectiveness of security measures, uncover potential weaknesses, and provide actionable insights for enhancing the overall security posture of the application.

Security auditing 

You review the software’s code, configurations, and infrastructure to ensure compliance with security standards and best practices.

Security auditing involves a comprehensive review and analysis of a software application’s code, configurations, and infrastructure. The primary goals are to assess adherence to security standards, identify potential vulnerabilities, and ensure overall compliance with established security best practices. Through a systematic examination, security auditing provides organizations with a clear understanding of their application’s security posture, enabling them to proactively address weaknesses, fortify defenses, and meet regulatory requirements. 

Security scanning

Automated scanning tools are employed to detect security vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in the application.

Security scanning is a dynamic method within security testing focused on the rapid detection of potential vulnerabilities in a software application. Leveraging automated scanning tools, this type of testing efficiently identifies security weaknesses, misconfigurations, and potential threats across the application’s infrastructure. By conducting thorough scans, security scanning aims to provide organizations with quick insights into the security posture of their software, enabling prompt remediation and risk mitigation. This testing approach is particularly valuable for continuous monitoring, ensuring that security vulnerabilities are promptly identified and addressed throughout the development lifecycle, enhancing the overall resilience of the application against potential cyber threats.

Security test cases and scenarios (+ test scenario example)

Developing comprehensive and effective test cases is fundamental to the success of security testing. This involves creating scenarios that mimic potential security threats and vulnerabilities. Test cases should cover:

  • Authentication and Authorization: Ensuring that access controls are robust and that users can only access the resources they are authorized to use.
  • Data Confidentiality and Integrity: Verifying that sensitive data is encrypted and protected from unauthorized access or tampering.
  • Input Validation: Checking the application’s ability to handle unexpected inputs and prevent common security threats like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).
  • Session Management: Assessing the security of user sessions, including login/logout functionalities and session timeout mechanisms.
  • Security Configuration: Verifying that security configurations are appropriately set to minimize potential vulnerabilities.

Example of Test Scenario for Security testing


Verify that sensitive data within the application is properly encrypted and protected from unauthorized access or tampering.


Test Environment Setup:

Ensure a dedicated test environment that mirrors the production environment, including relevant security configurations.

User Authentication:

Perform a series of tests to validate that user authentication mechanisms are in place and functioning correctly.

Verify that only authenticated users with the appropriate privileges can access sensitive data.

Data Encryption Verification:

Access the application as an authenticated user with proper privileges.

Submit sensitive data through various input forms, such as personal information, passwords, or financial details.

Data Storage:

Inspect the backend database to confirm that the submitted sensitive data is stored in an encrypted format.

Ensure that encryption algorithms and key management practices adhere to security best practices.

Access Control Testing:

Attempt to access sensitive data without proper authentication or with incorrect privileges.

Verify that unauthorized access attempts are denied, and the system logs such incidents.

Data Transmission:

Monitor data transmission between the client and server.

Confirm that data in transit is encrypted using secure communication protocols (e.g., HTTPS).

Tampering Attempts:

Attempt to tamper with stored sensitive data in the database.

Verify that the system detects and prevents unauthorized modifications, logging such incidents for review.

Security Logging:

Check security logs for any suspicious activities related to sensitive data.

Confirm that the system logs security events, including failed access attempts and potential tampering incidents.

Session Management:

Test session management mechanisms, including login/logout functionalities and session timeout settings.

Ensure that sessions containing sensitive data are appropriately secured and terminated upon logout or inactivity.

Cross-Browser Testing:

Perform the above tests across different browsers to ensure consistent security measures.

Expected Results:

Sensitive data is stored and transmitted in an encrypted format.

Unauthorized access attempts are denied, and security incidents are logged.

Session management ensures the secure handling of user sessions.

The application demonstrates consistent security measures across various browsers.

Security testing approaches

Approaches to security testing vary based on the project’s specific requirements and the stage of development. Static Testing involves analyzing the software’s code and design without execution, identifying security vulnerabilities early in the development lifecycle. Dynamic Testing assesses the application during runtime to simulate real-world scenarios and identify security weaknesses. Manual Testing involves manual efforts to explore and identify security vulnerabilities that automated tools may overlook. Automated Testing utilizes specialized tools and scripts to automate the security testing process, enhancing efficiency and coverage.

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