Who is Sonia Bruganelli GF VIP: Biography, Age, Wife Bonolis and Sick Daughter
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Sonia Bruganelli she is an entrepreneur born in Rome aged 47, wife of Paolo Bonolis with whom he had three children. He has created a fashion line for children, has created SDL a casting agency for TV, cinema and theater, and hosts a program entitled “Sonia’s Books” for SDL.TV which at Christmas arrives on the satellite channel of Tim Vision. Sonia Bruganelli is columnist, together with Adriana Volpe, of GF VIP 6 conducted by Alfonso Signorini.
Who is Sonia Bruganelli?
- First name: Sonia Bruganelli
- Age: 47 years old
- Date of birth: February 20, 1974
- Zodiac sign: Fish
- Height: 179 cm
- Weight: unavailable
- Birth place: Rome
- Tattoos: Sonia Bruganelli has a decoration on the right foot.
- Official Instagram Profile: @soniabrugi
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Sonia Bruganelli is an entrepreneur born in Rome. With a great passion for the world of fashion, she took her first steps in the sector as a model. He met Paolo Bonolis precisely for work and despite the age difference between the two, an important love story was born that brought three children into the life of the two: Silvia, Davide and Adele. Recall that Silvia was born with a heart problem and the couple faced the situation with courage. Paolo Bonolis, however, had two children from his first marriage: we remember Stefano Bonolis, who had a long relationship with the showgirl Paola Caruso. His second son Davide Bonolis he is an Inter fan like his father Paolo!
Disabled Daughter
Sonia Bruganelli and Paolo Bonolis have one disabled daughter named Silvia. The little girl is suffering from heart disease and motor disability, and on some occasions Sonia drew attention to those families who have to live with a disabled child, their difficulties and assistance often not enough. Silvia is now 18 years old and Silvia said in an interview:
I saw her so small with all those tubes and I was afraid even to touch her, to breastfeed her. And then I felt guilty about it
When Sonia learned of her daughter’s illness, she had to draw all her strength to deal with the situation.
Sonia Bruganelli Instagram
Sonia Bruganelli she is very popular: she has over 600,000 followers and shares shots of her family and passions.
Work and Career
Sonia Bruganelli has worked in the fashion world since she was young. She manages to immediately break into the world of photo novels and accompanies her activity with that of an image girl for some discos. At the same time, however, Sonia does not abandon her studies: in fact she graduates in communication sciences, putting her studies to good use and her passion is affirmed in the world of fashion entrepreneurship by creating some clothing lines, among which the most famous is the one called “Adele Virgy “. This line has single-brand stores in Rome and the decorations are inspired by the designs of the sons of Sonia and Paolo. This clothing line. It is also active in the world of talent scouting with its agency founded in 2005 called SDL. His agency is currently one of the most used for the casting of various TV, cinema and theater programs. It is his choice of mother nature Paola di Benedetto, also a competitor of Big Brother Vip 2020. Sonia Bruganelli has also participated as a commentator in several television programs. Sonia he even wrote a book which speaks of the school system, at the invitation of the principal of a school for the promotion of a social project.
Big Brother VIP 6
Sonia Bruganelli is one of the opinion makers, together with Adriana Volpe, of the new edition of GF VIP 6 conducted by Alfonso Signorini. The official competitors on which he must express opinions and comments are: Sophie Codegoni, Katia Ricciarelli, Soleil Sorge, Andrea Casalino, Amedeo Goria, Samy Youssef, Jo Squillo, Tommaso Eletti, Carmen Russo, Raffaella Fico, Gianmaria Antinolfi, Aldo Montano, Alex Belli , Miriana Trevisan, Manuel Bortuzzo, Giucas Casella, Davide Silvestri, Francesca Cipriani, Ainett Stephens, Manila Nazzaro, Nicola Pisu, The Ethiopian Princesses: Lucrezia Hailè, Clarissa Hailè and Jessica Hailè.
To participate in the Big Brother VIP Sonia has made a contest on the web where he chose four emerging stylists, who take care of creating the clothes that Sonia wears during the episodes of the program. A good initiative to give visibility to young talents.
Sonia Bruganelli and Adriana fox have given rise to a social controversy: Sonia in fact posted a photo with Giancarlo Magalli, precisely to provoke Adriana. In fact, it is known that she and Giancarlo Magalli did not leave each other on good terms after the co-management of Your Facts.
“I Libri di Sonia” for SDL.TV
SDL.TV is a web TV, created by Sonia Bruganelli in parallel with the scouting agency, which allows you to access unedited videos, clips and casting of successful programs such as Avanti un Altro, Ciao Darwin and all the broadcasts of Paolo Bonolis and Luca Laurenti. Since 2016, Sonia Bruganelli leads a program entitled “I Libri di Sonia”, in which he interviews famous and less famous people who have published books and essays. Many were the guests of his show like Wild Lucarelli, Rita Dalla Chiesa, Federico Moccia. He also recently interviewed Gabriele Parpiglia on his latest book # Formentera14 and on friendship with Elena Santarelli of which he is also co-author of the book A mom knows in which Santarelli talks about her private life and her son’s illness.
Sonia’s project from Christmas 2020 arrives on TV: in fact, sonia will bring her format “Sonia’s books” to Tim Vision, interviewing famous and emerging writers such as Sandro Veronesi, Luca Bianchi, Massimo Bisotti, Georgette Polizzi, Raoul Bova, Filippo Magnini, Luca Bizzarri etc.
Sonia Bruganelli and Paolo Bonolis
Sonia Bruganelli and Paolo Bonolis have been married since 2002 and they have three children. Their relationship, as stated by both of them in several interviews, is going well and they are each other’s support. Sonia also stated that without Paolo she does not know what she would have done, and that although there are sometimes silences, the love between two people who know each other well is constantly transmitted in every situation. Paolo Bonolis in turn has always spoken very well of Sonia calling her intelligent, courageous, creative and a great entrepreneur.
Video by Sonia Bruganelli
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