Basic Electrical Inspection Checklist: Everything You Need to Know
Nearly 7% of house fires could be prevented if homeowners and electricians performed regular electrical inspections.
The question is, what should you be looking for when expecting the electrical wiring and outlets in your home? What warning signs indicate that you need to invest in some upgrades?
We’re here to provide you with a comprehensive electrical inspection checklist. With our checklist, you can make a preliminary inspection on your own before calling an electrical technician.
Read on to learn everything you should check in residential houses to make sure the electrical wiring and outlets are up to date.
Checking Your Outlets For Warning Signs
When you’re performing a DIY electrical inspection, you’re best bet is investigating your outlets. Wiring is typically hard to access and hard to understand when you don’t have a professional background in electricity.
To get started, go around your home and look for:
- Outlets or connected switches that don’t work
- Warm or hot outlets or switches
- Two-pronged outlets (these are outdated)
- Wet outlets, particularly in the kitchen and bathrooms
In addition, make sure that your outlets in areas like the kitchen and bathroom are GFCI outlets. These outlets have one or two buttons between two plugs. These buttons activate and trip when the risk of electric shock becomes high preventive electrical maintenance.
Other Warning Signs That You Need to Upgrade Your Electrical Wiring
There are other telltale signs that indicate that something is wrong with your electrical wiring. Look for these warning signs during your inspection, but also make sure to pay attention if they crop up during regular use.
Warning signs to keep an eye out for include:
- Rusty electrical panels
- Circuit breakers that trip frequently
- Appliances or switches that cause electrical shocks (even small ones) when turned on
- Dim or flickering lights
- Strange smells (ie sulfur smells, rotting smells, or the smell of burning plastic)
These warning signs tend to indicate one of two things. The first is that your wiring is outdated and can’t handle the burden of modern electrical needs. second is that you have specific areas of wiring that are frayed or otherwise damaged. Overall, it’s important to note that it’s crucial to get onto any issues involving the circuit breaker and buy a new circuit breaker as soon as possible.
What to Do If You Expect Outdated or Faulty Wiring
If you notice anything suspicious or concerning during your DIY electrical inspection, it’s time to call in the professionals. Contractors like Brownie Electric, Inc will take care of any issues and make the upgrades you need to live in a safe and functional home. Never try to fix electrical problems yourself if you don’t have experience doing so, as the risk of injury is high.
Increase Your Safety With Our Electrical Inspection Checklist
Looking for ways to increase your safety at home? Our electrical inspection checklist provides simple ways to recognize the signs that it’s time to hire a professional. Don’t run the risk of facing an electrical fire; take action quickly!
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