3 Unique Benefits of Airport Advertising
There are myriad strategies marketers and advertisers can employ to reach thousands of consumers. Commercials can be on television. Billboards may overlook highways or city streets. Even airports can offer advertisements for various products. Whatever their content, advertisements gather lots of attention.
From baggage claim to security, there are plenty of opportunities for pedestrians to examine things in the terminal. One can view many advertisements inside an airport. Travelers or commuters can see up to scores of advertisements upon entering terminals. Travelers are also a uniquely receptive audience in terms of the advertisements they react to and what those advertisements suggest. Because commuters expect to see advertisements in airports, those commuters will be more impressed by the businesses whose advertisements appear in airports. A business with a marketing presence in an airport is probably a high-profile, prestigious, and reliable business, as far as potential customers are concerned.
1. The Most Stringent Budgets Can Make an Impact
Many options depend on the type of budget you maintain. Advertisements either inside or on shuttles can be affordable enough to be useful. Digital billboards inside the actual establishment tend to receive more attention, and they’ll have much more exposure, in general. Because so many digital advertisements are immediately in front of patrons, those patrons can take out their phones and scan any QR codes that might be upon an advertisement. If you choose a digital banner over a shuttle advertisement, consider placing a QR code with a link to your company’s homepage somewhere on the banner.
Airports might offer a smaller market of consumers, but if you’re willing to work with that small market, the boons could be immense. Even low-traffic airports can help spread the word about your service or product: They offer the same level of visibility at a lower price. Brainstorm your options. Perhaps a small airport is right for you.
2. An Unusually Receptive Audience
Airports present plenty of media through which to advertise a product or service. There are banners upon airports’ walls, offering significant levels of visibility. There are typically digital screens at baggage claims, which are capable of presenting minute advertisements of greater concision. Digital screens are also less expensive than many other advertising options. Airport commuters are also more likely to see an airport advertisement because they’re necessarily captive: They’re there because they’re waiting for flights. Consider how many people might see an advertisement when there are delays. People have time to look at an advertisement when they’re waiting for something. In fact, they might deliberately read advertisements for no reason apart from immediate stimulation. Airport advertisements present the rare opportunity to say a lot about a product or service. An advertisement can ramble, and if patrons are bored enough, one can be certain that they’ll read every word of an advertisement’s script.
Airport-wide advertisements of particular efficacy will usually focus on the interests and needs of people who fly all the time. For example, patrons may find city-specific information useful, so what might be prudent would be to include city-specific information in whatever advertisement you choose to parade in front of patrons. Still, there are many types of advertisements, and there’s not only one way to present information.
3. Among All Products, Luxury Items Can Thrive Especially Well
There are multiple benefits to airport advertising. People who travel for business tend to be affluent, so content that presents luxury goods, like furniture, wine, and jewelry, will thrive particularly well in airports. Airports present advertising options for every marketing team’s budget. Something will work for your purposes. If you’re looking for some semblance of a boost, smaller advertisement campaigns will go a long way for your company. The bigger companies can feel free to select more fanciful options, but companies looking for a start ought to make debuts at airports. Concise and well-written advertisements near the odd line of flyers can receive millions of views in as few as four weeks.
Location is as important inside an airport as it is in general. Cost is informed mostly by how many people are likely to see your advertisement. An advertisement at a food court will cost much more than one past which most people will probably walk on their way to baggage claim. Airports in cities will be more expensive than airports in rural areas, as well. You may not need the most costly option. Consider cheap places in expensive airports or expensive places in cheap airports. Remember that gates themselves are fantastic areas to place advertisements, and remember that baggage claims are spaces for more affordable advertisements or commercials. Whatever your choice is, many four-week campaigns cost under 1000 dollars. Prices depend on how many advertisements your company runs at a time, where the advertisement or advertisements will appear, and whether you outsource the design to a marketing agency.