Best Board Portal for Online Community Building
You may have any reason or motivation to organize an online community, but let’s see how the board of directors’ software can make this process easier, and the finished product will turn into sufficiently safe and functional, practical, and promising.
What Is Board Portal?
To understand how board room software will help you cope with the tasks at hand, it is worth learning what exactly is hidden behind this term.
So, the board room is cloud software that is needed for the organization of meetings and conferences, negotiations and consultations, and important meetings. Such software allows you to download and save files in reliable storage, as well as exchange them, controlling user roles, their levels of access to certain information, etc.
The board portal is effective, simple, practical, and functional at the same time. You can learn more about the full set of benefits when you look at the service offered by
Board rooms main options:
- Organization of meetings and conferences of any scale;
- Board management;
- Providing controlled access to corporate or personal information;
- Secure (secured) communication of directors, partners, board members, or other officials or colleagues;
- Creation and observance of the agenda and automatic generation of meeting protocols.
So, the board portal is not just a convenient tool, but a profitable investment. And in addition to its direct functions, you may need it for another important task, that is creating an online community.
How does Board Portal help to build an online community?
The online board portal serves as a comprehensive solution, which is also suitable for effective and productive communication in the network. The toolkit included in the software allows you to connect users to a network, grant them permissions for certain actions, exchange files and messages, communicate, etc.
Creating a brand community: benefits
An online community consisting of your customers is a unique opportunity to communicate with them daily, and this format does not require additional incentives from you. The advantages of creating a community based on an online board portal are countless:
- You enter the process of constant interaction with customers and can improve your product and drive sales.
- You have the opportunity to monitor feedback and better understand your customers.
- Customer support costs are reduced and customer loyalty is increased.
- You create an organic ecosystem that leads to increased engagement, popularity, and, consequently, company revenue.
In addition, you can organize meetings, joint work on this or that project, make quick mailings of important information, and much more.
How to create an online community? Step-by-step guide
To create a product that will have marketing advantages, you should consider the following things:
- Clearly define the purpose and goals of the project ahead of time.
- Choose quality virtual boardroom software that meets your needs and tasks.
- Create an account for your company and add your team to the project.
- Develop it, promote it or use it in a professional circle, and get the most out of the opportunities that the board portal offers you.
Make your online community popular
So you’ve made and tested an online community using a portal board. The next step is to tell about it to those who may find it useful or interesting. It is worth considering that the community may be closed, and then you should send invitations to members when a certain session or meeting will take place.
If the community is public and you use it to communicate with customers and promote your brand, your next step should be a promotional campaign. Show people why they benefit from working with you.
In addition to traditional methods of promotion, try additional ones:
- Referral programs
- Awards for new and active participants
- Try interacting with other communities, etc.
How to choose a board portal software for online community building?
The best way to choose the best virtual boardroom software is to use a small checklist. It will help you understand what software you need and speed up your search. So, how to decide on software?
- Consider the priority options that your online community should have: 24/7 customer help and support, a safe space to address specific questions or concerns, etc.
- Analyze availability of real-time synchronization, as well as work with mobile platforms such as Android and iOS.
- Board portal security. It is an important point because closed or branded online communities often become a place for sharing personal or even confidential data, important documents, etc. Therefore, the board portal must use the most modern tools and solutions to meet the highest data security standards.
- The simplicity of tools. If the board portal is too difficult to use, you’ll probably need professional help in creating and setting up, and then moderating your online community. This leads to overhead that can easily be avoided if the virtual boardroom software is easy enough to use and you can figure it out yourself.
- Service reputation. Since it is about working with important or even closed data, the software provider must inspire trust, because you are not using an ordinary product, but a product that becomes your platform for interaction with partners or customers.
By default, such software must meet corporate requirements, just like any board portal. It should include the ability to securely share documents, track them, add annotations, electronic signatures, etc. Also, a board portal can help create an agenda in your community and thereby simplify the meeting process. In the context of this, also pay attention to the availability of the technical possibility to conduct voting, and polls and create a hierarchical structure of the team, where each participant has a role with different rights, permissions, and levels of access to corporate information.
If you are specifically looking for the best board portal software, then is the one you should pay attention to. The functional capabilities of this service cover almost all potential needs that you may have. Board room software is suitable for both small businesses and large corporations. Its cost depends on the specific needs and options you use, so it’s always a good choice, no matter what you do.