DJ Drama Net Worth
The amount of net worth DJ Drama has is difficult to pin down. His net worth has fluctuated considerably throughout his career. According to some sources, his net worth is around $13.4 million. However, this figure is likely to be much higher. He has worked with other artists and musicians, such as Mista Maeham, who was his collaborator for the album Quality Street Music 2. DJ Drama has also been nominated for several awards, including the Ozone Award for Mixtapes in 2008.
DJ Drama’s net worth has increased over the years, as he has collaborated with many well-known hip hop artists. His net worth has grown significantly since his release of Quality Street Music in 2006. The album also features the hit song “Position of Power,” featuring Mista Maeham. His net worth has steadily increased in recent years, despite his rocky start. As of the time of writing, DJ Drama has not released any major albums, but he is still making a fortune in the music industry.
DJ Drama began his career as a DJ in 2001 and subsequently became a record executive. In addition to his solo career, he also formed a band, Aphilliates, which featured Don Cannon and DJ Sense. In 2006, the group signed to Asylum Records, though the label still maintains its independent status. The group’s debut recording, “Definition,” went on to become a bestselling record in 2006. As of the time of writing this article, DJ Drama has an estimated net worth of $10 million.
DJ Drama is married to the model Summer Walker. They divorced in 2009 after three years of marriage, but rumors suggest that he cheated on his wife. His divorce case has remained in court, but the couple hasn’t yet worked things out. Meanwhile, DJ Drama has begun dating Jessica, who is a model. If this turns out to be true, his net worth is expected to rise even higher.
The artist’s net worth is estimated through the use of internet sources and public information. The data on Dj Drama’s net worth was obtained from Popnable’s repository. The figures on Dj Drama’s net worth are a rough approximation of the musician’s revenue. If you want to know the real amount of Dj Drama’s net worth, read his biography. It is possible that he makes millions of dollars in a year.
After studying at the University, DJ Drama began performing hip-hop singles. In 2007, he teamed up with Don Cannon and DJ Sense to form the Aphilliates Music Group. After the success of the first album, he was inspired to produce a follow-up album. His third album, Quality Street Music, was released in 2011, and it was featured by artists such as Chris Brown and Wiz Khalifa. The album was a hit, and it reached the top three lists in the R&H Albums.