How Much Money Does Tracy Caliendo Have?
The question of how much money does Tracy Caliendo have is often on everyone’s mind. While working full time as an equity salesperson in Manhattan, Caliendo also had a 10-year-old son. She had tried IVF and had one miscarriage before getting pregnant again. Surrogacy became an option after she lost hope of becoming pregnant. A surrogate carried two embryos in her uterus and gave birth to twins.
The first baby, Dylan, was born at only 29 weeks and has numerous developmental problems. Caliendo and her husband are raising five children. They have a full-time babysitter and have a tight ship. The net worth of Caliendo is estimated at $15 million. Her philanthropic work has helped her build a strong foundation for her charity work. She is also active in the community, serving on the board of the Women’s Venture Fund.
As a single mother, Tracy has two children from previous relationships. She had one son, Hunter, from a previous marriage and one daughter, Julia. She wanted more children with her husband, Pete Pasetsky. The couple underwent several unsuccessful rounds of in vitro fertilization. Despite the challenges, they were able to have four healthy children within a year. Despite the high-risk pregnancy, Dylan is now thriving and achieving milestones.
Caliendo’s career has spanned the financial industry. She most recently served as the managing director of Electronic Trading Sales for the Americas. Her role also involved senior relationship management of the firm’s hedge fund business. Prior to joining Goldman Sachs, Caliendo worked as a financial analyst for prime brokerage companies. The company recently announced the departure of two senior executives. Greg Tusar, global head of electronic trading, left the firm in February.