John Utendahl Net Worth
The total net worth of John Utendahl is estimated to reach $500 million by 2022. He is the owner of the Utendahl Group, one of the largest African-American-owned investment banking groups in the United States. The businessman was born in Queens, New York, and earned his MBA from Columbia University. He has also worked at Salomon Brothers and Merrill Lynch. He currently holds a minority stake in Utendahl Capital Management and works as a bond broker at Merrill Lynch.
Utendahl earned his net worth through his banking career. He has diversified his investments and is currently the Vice Chairman of Global Corporate and Investment Banking at Deutsche Bank America. He is also a minority shareholder in Utendahl Capital Management, which generates massive revenues annually. In addition to his career in banking, Utendahl has also made investments in several businesses. If you’re looking to invest your money in a new company, consider partnering with an experienced business owner.
During his time as a Deutch Bank executive, John Utendahl dated actress and singer Tyra Banks. His marriage to Phyllis Hollis ended in 2010 and he remained there for another five years before joining Bank of America as an Executive Vice Chairman. However, he kept part of his Utendahl Capital Management as a private investment firm. Besides, he has two daughters from earlier relationships.
John Utendahl’s net worth is estimated by various sources, but many sources do not provide a single number. The figures vary due to a number of factors. In 2021, he is estimated to have a net worth of $500 million, which is about $515 million. As of 2018, the net worth of Utendahl has risen steadily. If his current activities are any indication, his wealth may continue to increase.