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Michael Cohen Net Worth

The net worth of American lawyer Michael Cohen is -$5 million. Michael Cohen is most famous for being the lawyer who used to work for Donald Trump. He was a lawyer for The Trump Organization for a long time. He used to work as a partner at the Phillips Nizer law firm. When Michael Cohen worked as a lawyer for the Trump organization, he was paid $1 million each year. He started working for the Trump Organization in 2006 and had important jobs there. He was also a co-president of Trump Entertainment. Cohen helped Trump win the 2016 election and was on the board of the Eric Trump Foundation. At one point, he made a lot of money from investing in taxis and buildings. In 2016, Cohen said he had $40 million. Since then, he has said that paying his lawyer fees, which are more than $100,000 each month, has caused him to go bankrupt.

Michael Cohen Early Life

Michael Cohen net worth was born in Long Island, New York on August 25, 1966. Cohen was raised in a Jewish family. His dad was a doctor, and his mom was a nurse. Cohen went to college at American University in Washington D. C and he got his first degree in 1988. Before Cohen sold houses, he worked at a place that gave legal advice to people who were hurt. He did this after he graduated from school. After he graduated from law school, Cohen worked at some law firms before he opened his practice in 1997. He was a lawyer who helped people who got hurt and sold property. He had clients who were businessmen from Russia and America. Cohen joined politics in 2004 by working for the Democratic Party and assisting in various political campaigns.

Michael Cohen Taxi Medallions

At one time, Cohen’s paper value was over $100 million because he owned part of more than 200 New York City taxi medallions. Before Uber and Lyft were available, the license for a single taxi used to sell for more than $1 million. Today, a taxi license could only sell for $100,000. Before Uber began, Cohen’s part of the medallion collection was worth a lot of money, at least $100 million. Cohen sold part of his taxi company to a businessman from Ukraine named Simon Garber. In 2012, Garber took legal action saying Cohen did not pay the insurance money for taxi accidents. Records from the case showed that Cohen was making about $1 million each year from the taxi medallions they both owned. Cohen and a Russian guy named Evgeny Freidman had a lot of taxi medallions together for a while. At one time, Evgeny had more taxi permits than anyone else in New York City. Before Uber, Evgeny was thought of as a very rich person on paper because he had a lot of taxi permits. In 2018, most of Freidman’s taxi licenses were sold at an auction to pay off money owed. The auction made about $24 million.

Michael Cohen Real Estate Holdings and Financial Problems

In 2003, Cohen spent $1.5 million to buy 30% of a Florida riverboat casino. The casino had to close down after a few months because it ran out of money. This caused more than 25 people and businesses to take legal action against the casino for not paying them back. Cohen wasn’t the one being sued in those cases. In 2006, he put money into a Ukrainian ethanol business. In 2015, Cohen bought a $58 million building in New York City’s Upper East Side. His family members are said to have 12 apartments in buildings owned by Trump in different places in the country. Michael and his wife have a $9 million apartment at Trump Park Avenue. When Cohen was being investigated by the government for his business, he told someone that his legal bills were costing him too much money. His legal bills are said to be over $100,000 every month. He is said to owe the IRS at least $1.4 In 2016, he paid Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal using money he got from a $500,000 loan on his home. In 2016, Cohen and his wife said they had $40 million in assets when they applied for a loan.

Michael Cohen The Trump Organization

Cohen began working for the Trump Organisation in 2006, initially holding the positions of executive vice president and special counsel. He was in charge of the company’s and Donald Trump’s own legal and business affairs in this capacity. Cohen swiftly established himself as Trump’s ardent supporter and devoted confidant, frequently taking on delicate and contentious tasks on the businessman’s behalf. He was also well-known for his belligerent and abrasive demeanor, and he soon established himself as one of Trump’s most reliable aides.

Michael Cohen Controversies

During his time at the Trump Organization, Cohen had many problems and legal issues. In 2018, he admitted that he broke the law by doing things like not following the rules for campaign money, cheating on his taxes, and not telling the truth to Congress. Cohen got in trouble for paying money to keep two women quiet about their relationships with Donald Trump, and for trying to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. Cohen admitted he did something wrong and had to go to prison for three years. He was in prison from 2019 to 2021. While he was in prison, he worked with government investigators and gave testimony that could hurt Donald Trump’s business and how he acts personally.

Michael Cohen Personal Life

Cohen has been married two times and has two kids. He is famous for living a very fancy life and enjoying expensive cars and clothes. Despite his problems with the law and the things people argue about, Cohen has kept saying loudly and clearly that he doesn’t approve of Donald Trump and his government. He often talks on TV and has written a book about working for Trump called ‘Disloyal. 

Michael Cohen Media

Aside from writing, Cohen has become well-known in the media. He has been on many cable news shows as a commentator, giving his thoughts and analysis on politics and the law. Cohen has been on TV and in the news a lot. He talks about what he thinks about Trump and American politics.


By 2024, Michael Cohen’s wealth should have increased to almost $15 million. Cohen has rebuilt his life and pursued new business ventures despite his legal issues. His podcast, media appearances, and memoir have helped him maintain his public profile. In the upcoming years, Michael Cohen’s net worth can fluctuate even more as his profession develops.

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