
Structured Credit 101: Types And Uses In Business Finance

Business finance has a complex web of tools and instruments that help companies manage risk and optimize their financial strategies. One of these tools is structured credit, which might sound intimidating initially but is quite straightforward once you break it down. Nitin Bhatnagar, Dubai entrepreneur, takes you through the basics of structured credit: what it is, its types, and how businesses use it to their advantage.

Understanding Structured Credit

At its core, structured credit is a financial arrangement that involves bundling together different financial assets, like loans or bonds, and creating a new investment product. This product is then sold to investors. The key here is that the performance and returns of this new product are linked to the performance of the underlying assets.

Imagine you have a basket of different types of loans – some risky, some less so. Instead of selling these loans individually, you can bundle them into a structured credit product. This allows you to spread risk and create an investment that might be more appealing to certain types of investors.

Types Of Structured Credit

Structured credit comes in various flavors, each with its purpose and characteristics. Let’s explore some common types:

Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs)

These are like the Swiss Army knives of structured credit. A CDO gathers a variety of debt assets, such as bonds and loans, and sorts them into different levels of risk called tranches. Investors can choose the tranche that aligns with their risk tolerance. Higher-risk tranches offer potentially higher returns, while lower-risk tranches provide more stability.

Collateralized Loan Obligations (CLOs)

Similar to CDOs, CLOs focus specifically on loans. Companies often use CLOs to manage their loan portfolios. By pooling loans together and creating CLOs, banks can free up capital to make more loans, promoting further economic activity.

Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS)

You’ve probably heard of these before. MBS played a role in the 2008 financial crisis, but they’re not inherently bad. MBS are created by bundling mortgages and selling shares of the bundle to investors. The returns on MBS come from the monthly mortgage payments of homeowners.

Credit-Linked Notes (CLNs)

These are more customizable structured credit instruments. Businesses and investors can design CLNs to suit their specific needs. They’re often used to hedge against credit risk.

Why Businesses Use Structured Credit

Structured credit isn’t just a fancy financial concept – it serves important purposes in the world of business finance:

Risk Management

Businesses, especially those dealing with various loans or investments, use structured credit to manage risk. By creating tranches with different levels of risk, they can attract a diverse range of investors. This helps distribute risk more effectively.

Capital Optimization

Structured credit can help companies free up capital tied up in certain assets. For example, a bank can bundle loans it has given out and sell them as a structured credit product. This boosts the bank’s available capital, allowing it to make more loans and support economic growth.

Access To Funding

Companies seeking funding can utilize structured credit to attract investors. Packaging their assets into a structured credit product allows them to tap into a broader pool of potential backers who might be more interested in the structured product than the individual assets.

Portfolio Diversification

Investors, including businesses, seek structured credit products to diversify their portfolios. By investing in different tranches or types of structured credit, they can spread their investments across various risk profiles. This can help them achieve a more balanced and resilient investment strategy.


Sometimes, banks and businesses might need immediate cash. Instead of waiting for all the loan payments to trickle in, they can sell structured credit to investors and get the money they need upfront. This enables them to seize timely opportunities or address urgent financial needs.

Risks And Rewards

Like any financial tool, structured credit comes with its own risks and rewards. The potential rewards are the returns that investors can earn. If the loans within the structured credit perform well, investors get a piece of the pie – be it mortgage payments, car loan repayments, or others.

However, there are risks involved, too. If the loans within the structured credit start going bad, the value of the investment can decrease. This is especially true for the riskier tranches in structured credit products like CDOs. Investors in these tranches might face higher losses if the loans perform poorly.

Final Thoughts

Structured credit might seem like a complex financial tool, but at its core, it’s all about creatively packaging assets to manage risk and achieve financial goals, says Nitin Bhatnagar, Dubai entrepreneur. With various types like CDOs, CLOs, MBS, and CLNs, structured credit offers businesses a versatile toolkit for optimizing their finances. Whether it’s about risk management, capital optimization, funding access, or portfolio diversification, structured credit plays a crucial role in business finance.


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