Understanding Female Fertility
Whether you are currently struggling with fertility problems or simply wish to learn more about your reproductive health, understanding female fertility can be very useful. You may have questions about women’s eggs and fertility or wondering when it is too late to conceive. Fertility can be a complicated subject because it is associated with strong emotions. Below are the basics you need to know about female fertility.
Fertility Awareness
Whether you are trying to get pregnant or not, identifying the signs and symptoms of your most fertile days is a great way for a woman to learn more about her own fertility. Fertility awareness-based methods, otherwise known simply as FABM is a technique that can be used to help women learn the signs of their most fertile days. Some women choose to track their fertility cycles, using mobile applications to stay updated. Other women, who have been practicing fertility awareness for a while, will more naturally be able to spot where they are in their cycle. Other fertility awareness methods include the cervical mucous method, basal body temperature method, and the symptothermal method.
Understanding Infertility
As reproductive services Tulsa OK explains, infertility is a disease that can affect both men and women equally. Studies have found that surrogate definition, on average, one in six couples in America suffers from infertility. Infertility can be caused by several different factors, such as diseases. Diseases like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Hypothalamic dysfunction, low ovarian reserve, pelvic inflammatory diseases, and endometriosis are just some common causes.
Infertility can also be caused by lifestyle factors such as your age, weight, stress level, alcohol, and nicotine intake. This means that some women struggling with fertility problems can reduce the challenges they face by making lifestyle changes. This might include partaking in wellness activities to reduce stress levels or increasing the amount of moderate exercise you take.
What is a Biological Clock?
The concept of a biological clock might be a bit confusing to some people. The term biological clock can be a bit misleading, as it can suggest that there is a certain age limit for fertility when in reality, fertility differs from person to person.
The term biological clock is centered around the idea of the ovarian reserve, which describes the total number of follicles a woman has left in her ovaries. While still in her mother’s uterus, a woman has the total number of eggs she will ever possess. After a woman is born, the total number of eggs she has will decrease. The term biological clock refers to the rate at which the number of eggs or follicles in your body decreases.
Since every woman is different, learning more about your personal biological clock can be very useful. The more knowledge you have about your body and your fertility, the better equipped you are to plan your future. Getting a biological clock test done is not all too complicated and can be completed by your BOGYN. Fertility does not need to be a big intimidating subject, the more you learn about your body and your choices, the better you are to plan the right future for you, whatever that might be.