Who is Ainett Stephens GF VIP? Bio, Age, Disappeared Mother and Sister, Son
Updated the

Ainett Stephens it’s a model and showgirl born in Venezuela in 1982, famous for being the “Black Cat” of Merchant at the fair, Ainett has participated in numerous Italian television programs. Married since 2005 with the entrepreneur Nicola Radici, and mother of a 5 year old child, Ainett Stephens is a competitor of the Big Brother VIP 2021.
Who is Ainett Stephens?
First name | Ainett Mery Stephens Sifontes |
Age | 39 years old |
Date of birth | January 28, 1982 |
Birth place | Ciudad Guayana (Venezuela) |
Zodiac sign | fish tank |
Profession | Model, showgirl and TV presenter |
Height | 182 cm |
Weight | 59 Kg |
Husband | Nicola Radici |
Wikipedia | Ainett Mery Stephens Sifontes (Ciudad Guayana, January 28, 1982) is a Venezuelan naturalized Italian model, showgirl and TV presenter. |
TV Programs | Big Brother Vip 6, Merchant at the Fair, Hi Darwin |
Ainett Stephens is born like Ainett Mery Stephens Sifontes, on January 28, 1982 in Venezuela, in the state’s only planned city, Ciudad Guayana.
At the end of the nineties, Ainett approaches the world of fashion, and in 2000 she is among the semifinalists of Miss Venezuela. Become a constant presence on underwear runways across South America and, in 2004, he moved to Milan and enrolled at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, in the degree course of Communication Sciences.
Become known in Italy in 2006, thanks to the sexy calendar for Fox Man, and leads, from 2005 to 2007, the television rotogravure Real TV. It reaches its maximum popularity in 2006, when it is chosen as “Black Cat” for the early evening quiz, conducted by Pino Insegno, Merchant at the fair.
Thanks to the popularity acquired, we see Ainett Stephens increasingly present on television, in fact he participates in programs such as: Saturday Night Live from Milan, Hi Darwin, Big Brother 10 (as a special guest), Freshmen & Meteors, Chiambretti Night and many others.
Married since 2015 to the entrepreneur Nicola Radici, Ainett is the mother of Christopher (5 years old). After separating from her husband Nicola, she lives in Marbella with her son (Spain).
Big Brother VIP 6
Ainett Stephens is one of the competitors of the Big Brother VIP 6 2021 edition conducted by Alfonso Signorini, which sees as commentators Sonia Bruganelli and Adriana Volpe. Ainett said that after the end of the program he hopes to take up his profession again since for too long ago only his mother. The other competitors of Big Brother are: Maria Monsé and Patrizia Pellegrino (entered November 22) Sophie Codegoni, Katia Ricciarelli, Soleil Sorge, Andrea Casalino, Amedeo Goria, Samy Youssef, Jo Squillo, Tommaso Eletti, Carmen Russo, Raffaella Fico, Gianmaria Antinolfi, Aldo Montano, Alex Belli, Miriana Trevisan, Manuel Bortuzzo, Giucas Casella, Francesca Cipriani, Nicola Pisu, Manila Nazzaro, Davide Silvestri, The Ethiopian Princesses: Lucrezia Hailè, Clarissa Hailè and Jessica Hailè.
Ainett enters the house in the company of Tommaso Eletti, and is immediately put in the middle by Alfonso to make a twerk. Ainett’s adventure begins without nominations in the first episode. She receives advances between the serious and the facetious from Amedeo Goria, so much so that she herself wants to clarify to Amedeo that she is not interested. Clarified the situation also in the third episode of the GF with Alfonso Signorini, Ainett Stephens continues her adventure in the house.
Ainett on September 30 has a bad argument in the house with Soleil Sorge, where he accuses the girl of saying a racist phrase. Ainett also in the evening episode of 1 October defends his positions son Alfonso Signorini about the sentence of Soleil, but the conductor and the commentators speaking of excess of politically correct belittle what happened. Ainett brings out an unexpected grit in this discussion.
In the episode of October 4, Ainett tells a very private fact in his life about the disappearance of his mother and sister.
Missing Mother and Sister
Ainett Stephens told one painful story in the house of the VIP GF which marked his life indelibly. Ainett said his mother and her sister are missing on the same day without no sign in 2003. All these years their bodies are not still been found, but Ainett does not has more hope. Faced with this tragedy, the Venezuelan said not had time to cry, because had to take care of her brothers who were younger than her. To date they are thankful for that that Ainett did, that is, bring them to Italy and give him a good life.
Work and career
Ainett Stephens’ career began in the late nineties in Venezuela. The young woman begins to show as a model and in 2000 she arrived among the finalists of Miss Venezuela.
In 2004 she moved to Milan where, to work as a model, she joined the university studies of Communication Sciences. Take off and make sexy calendars in Italy and, in 2005, he made his debut on Italian televisions by participating in Parade of love and moda, and leads (for 3 editions) Real TV on Italy 1.
It reaches great popularity in 2006, when we see it every evening on Italia 1, in the program of Pino Insegno: Ainett Stephens is the beautiful “Black Cat” of the Merchant at the fair.
The iconic role allows her to be increasingly present on television. Among the programs she has conducted, or which have seen her as a guest, we remember:
- Jokes aside (2005, victim and guest), conducted by Alessia Marcuzzi, Diego Abatantuono and Massimo Boldi;
- Gambit – The game that makes the news (2007), presenter together with Daniele Bossari;
- Hi Darwin (2007 and 2010, guest), hosted by Paolo Bonolis and Luca Laurenti;
- Circus Maximus Show (2007-2010), presenter alternating with others such as Belén Rodriguez, Fabrizio Frizzi and Filippa Lagerbäck;
- Monte Carlo International Circus Festival (2007-2014), presenter;
- Freshmen & Meteors (2010, guest), hosted by Enrico Papi, Juliana Moreira and Nicola Savino;
- Chiambretti Night (2009-2011, showgirl), conducted by Piero Chiambretti;
- Summer circus (2013), presenter together with Andrea Lehotská and David Larible;
- No sooner said than done (2013 onwards, showgirl), conducted over the years by Caterina Balivo, Serena Rossi and Bianca Guaccero;
- Those who football (2013 onwards), conducted over the years by Nicola Savino, Luca and Paolo and Mia Ceran.
Ex Husband and Son
Ainett Stephens was married, since 2015, with the football manager Nicola Radici. Ainett currently declares herself separated, although we don’t know exactly when the couple separated. The two got married after 9 years of engagement and, on October 27 of the same year, they gave birth to their first child: Christopher. Between 2018 and 2019, Ainett Stephens’ son suddenly stops talking, and after the necessary medical checks, at little was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. In this regard, Stephens stated:
This experience changed my life. The first few months I was very sick, but later, thanks also to prayer, I decided to go on. My son needed a strong and courageous mother. I hope to see him grow and to be able to develop his skills together with him.

Mother and sister
In 2004, Ainett Stephens receives tragic news: his mother and sister, during a business trip to Trinidad, disappear into thin air. The two had an import export business of hair products and, returning to Italy for the Christmas holidays, they disappeared without a trace, throwing Ainett and the rest of the family into despair.
They say they killed them, maybe burned them, but we didn’t bury anyone. When you disappear like this, in those countries there, it is difficult for the happy ending to come. We have done everything to find them.
Ainett Stephens is very popular on social media. Her Instagram profile matters 285 thousand followersr, with whom he often shares work but also intimate and daily shots.

- In 2000 she posed for a calendar whose proceeds were donated to the Amazon;
- Ainett’s father wanted her to become a doctor;
- she also appeared in the cinema, only once, in the film: My friends – How it all began (2011);
- as a teenager he played basketball;
- her husband, Nicola Radici, also has another older son, Jacopo.
Ainett Stephens Video
Here is a video of Ainett Stephens at the time of Merchant at the fair.
Article by Emanuela Italia
Tag #Gf vip #big brother vip
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