6 Ways To Minimise Cost of Land Surveying For Your Property Build
Whether you are planning a renovation or buying a new property, one of the costs that have to be factored into the budget is paying for a land survey. The type of survey, amount of land, and the type of terrain are just a few of the variables to take into consideration, and to get a proper estimate you need to speak with an experienced land surveyor in Melbourne.
When looking at the price of a survey against the cost of the land or project, this is going to be one of the cheaper items on your list. It is an essential item but there are ways in which you can minimise the cost, so let’s look at how you can do this and maximise the service offered by your land surveyor.
- Confirm the type of survey needed for your property build
There are a number of different surveys depending on the details required for the build or renovation. For example, building an extension to your existing dwelling which is on a level piece of ground will need different information than a levelling survey if adding a garage and basement to a sloping site. Topographical surveys are the ones that are the most detailed and cost more, but they are not always required. If you clarify the type of survey needed, then you won’t be needlessly paying for a more expensive survey.
- Be explicit and explain why the survey is needed
As with any professional service, providers can only give you a realistic quote for the work if they fully understand what it is you need carrying out. Data on land is used across a number of professions, from architects to civil engineers and town planning consultants. Whether you already have the expertise to use and access the correct data for the requirements of your project – or if you are looking to your surveyor to help pull together a specification for your build – tell them up front. It helps that they understand why you need the survey so they can review the work they have to do (or any work you will cover up front) and this can impact on the quote for the work.
- Clear the site beforehand
An untidy or overgrown site is going to hinder a survey. The surveyor may have difficulty accessing boundary markers such as fencing, or may be delayed having to move objects in order to check the boundary line. The longer the survey takes, the more cost will be added to it. Clear away any items that are not permanent objects, cut back grass and bushes to give better visibility (as well as make the end result look better!) and make it easy for the surveyor to access the site.
- Get documents together and review your development
If you can collate your land deeds, any previous surveys, or layouts from the land registry office, then get them together before speaking to your land surveyor. Melbourne-based surveyors will be able to access all the relevant information, but this will then be costed back to you; so aim to get as much information beforehand. The more research you can do, the better this will be for your surveyor and your wallet. You also need to think carefully about what portion of your land you are looking to develop, because you do not have to have the whole parcel of land surveyed at the same time. If you are thinking of a phased development, then take off any land not factored into the current development as it is cheaper to survey a smaller portion.
- Talk to the neighbours
Speak to your neighbours well in advance of any work taking place. This is particularly important if any building work will butt up against their boundary or property. If there is a dispute you can try to resolve this before the work starts. Otherwise, getting a surveyor involved will add to the amount of time taken to get the survey completed as most of their day rate will be taken up answering questions from angry neighbours. You might also consider talking to the neighbour to offer them the option of having their land surveyed at the same time, and then you can share some of the costs.
- Engage a professional
Don’t go for the cheapest quote if the company is not experienced. You will find that other professionals who depend on the survey will want it carried out again if it is not fit for purpose. A professional surveyor will be happy to discuss other successful projects and offer you the chance to check their credentials. Get a renowned company involved and you will save money in the end.
Hopefully, these six tips will help you minimise the cost of land surveying for your property build so that you can get the necessary work done without breaking the bank!