
Google Ads Working And Benefits For Businesses

Google Ads is a program designed for marketing on wider search networks like Google & YouTube. Many businesses need to run Google Ad campaigns to stay competitive instead of widening their outreach and revenue.

Working on Google Ads

In Search Ads, the marketer aims to position their ads at the highest on searches using keywords seekers generally use. Display Ads are designed to blend the interest of users with the ads they may be interested in.

In Google Ads, the marketers bid on keywords and get a chance to position their ads on websites or SERPs. There is an ad auction when a user searches for information on Google Search or another website in a broad network. Google calculates Ad Rank at every auction for every ad and determines if the user will see your ads on the top of SERPs.

AD Rank Determining Factors 

  1. Max Bid
  2. Ad quality & landing page experience
  3. Competitiveness
  4. Ad rank must be higher than the thresholds
  5. Search context of the user [location, search intent, device, and time of the day]
  6. Ad format impact & extensions

Currently, four slots are available on top of SERPs and more at the bottom. To get ads to rank on top, ad quality optimization is a must. Australian Internet Advertising is a leading Google Ads management agency you can approach. AIA guarantees your ad investment will result in not just clicks but add revenue.

You Can Place Ads On Every Google Services

  • Google Search
  • Google Maps
  • Gmail
  • YouTube
  • Google Shopping
  • Google Discovery

Based on the content style you can choose an ad type that suits your campaign needs. You can maintain ad effort freshness by integrating different ads format targeting audiences at different sales funnel journeys.

Ad Types Or Formats

  • Search Ads or Text Ads
  • Video Ads or YouTube Ads
  • Google Shopping Ads or Product Ads
  • App Ads via Google AdMob
  • Display Ads or Banner/Image Ads

Benefits of Google Ads

Investment & ROI

Results can be achieved with different budgets – low and high. The ad cost will depend on the –

  • Bids
  • Competition
  • Quality scores

Cost-per-click can widely differ across niches and search intent. For example, if you are in the finance sector then the click costs are high in comparison to low capital-intensive sectors. In terms of search intent, the cost of keywords influencing the purchase will be high in comparison to keywords consumers use at the start of the sales journey.

To decrease cost there is a need to find a balance between purchase intent and different sales funnel stages.

Better Control & Management

Advertisers can efficiently control their campaigns. They can determine how much to spend, what their largest bid is, stop the ad with a click, define their campaign goals, how the ads look, and more. To manage Google ads ideally there are plenty of tasks to handle.

Quick Results

Google ads are similar to the majority of online paid advertisement –It is fast or they can bring in quick results. You need to follow Google guidelines correctly and within two hours your campaign goes live.

Google ads campaign offers a learning phase, where the performance data of each ad is collected and optimized. You quickly identify which and what works for your business.

Google Ads improve brand awareness, offers remarketing opportunity, and allows to profitably scale.

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