History Of Night Hunting
Hunting in the dark is a special activity, lovers of which will not exchange it for anything else. The very process of hunting down prey at night is a unique experience that every hunter should have. Today, this event is held on a regular basis. In this case, modern devices are used to help see in the dark and find animals faster. However, this was not always the case. Relatively recently, night hunting had many features and was not like modern hunting. To learn all its secrets, you need to carefully study the history of the formation and development of this exciting activity.
History Of Night Hunting
Since the appearance of man on earth, hunting has flourished. This occupation was vital, as it made it possible to obtain food. Also, with the help of hunting, animal skins were obtained, which were used for sewing clothes and warming the home. For many millennia, this occupation has been transformed and now it is primarily entertaining. There are many types of hunting. Among them, the night one deserves special attention. The process of conducting it has several important features that differ from the classic search and kill fowl.
The stories of day and night hunting are closely intertwined. Both of these activities appeared a very long time ago, so no historian can even name the approximate date of their origin. Initially, ancient civilizations hunted exclusively during the day. However, after some time they began to pay attention to their main occupation at night. The change in the priority time of day did not just happen. It was due to several factors that people could not influence.
Reasons For The Emergence Of Night Hunting:
- Evolution. This reason is key in the process of a person’s transition to hunting in the dark. The evolutionary processes that took place in ancient times led to the fact that many animals began to lead a nocturnal lifestyle. This happened due to high competition, environmental changes and many other reasons. In this regard, people lost many of their permanent hunting objects and were forced to adjust to new realities. Gradually, mankind adapted to all the changes and began to hunt equally often in daylight and after sunset.
- Temperature changes. Various natural processes have led to an increase in air temperature in certain regions. It was in these places that it became difficult for people to hunt during the day (due to the intense heat), and for animals to go about their daily business. For this reason, hunters went out for prey only after sunset, when the air temperature dropped and the conditions became more favorable for active actions. Over time, such innovations became permanent, and night hunting became as popular as day hunting.
- Great efficiency. Ancient people did not have a large number of tools for hunting, and also did not possess weapons. Because of this, it was almost impossible to pursue potential prey during the day, when it was awake. To even the odds, people began to hunt by the light of the moon. In this situation, the animals resting from a busy day became more vulnerable. They could not see long distances, which made it possible for our ancestors to get closer to the victim. All this made hunting at night more efficient, which gave people an abundance of meat, skins and wool.
- The minimum number of pests. Our distant ancestors began to hunt only during the day. This activity was often carried out in dense thickets and wetlands. In this regard, people were attacked by a huge number of insects. Many of them were carriers of dangerous diseases, and in the absence of any medicine, any infection became a death sentence. To get rid of most of the pests, people began to hunt at night. At this time of day, the number of deadly insects was significantly reduced, which increased the chances of survival. Also, in the dark, one could forget about poisonous snakes, which at this time are resting in their shelters.
Starting from the first years of our era, hunting in the dark began to develop actively. Many settlements had special tools with which it was possible to kill animals. Some civilizations have taken this occupation to a new level and did not stop there. In the future, special teams of hunters began to appear, who were engaged in catching and killing wild animals at different times of the day. These people improved their skills every day and gradually became true professionals in their field. The absence of any lighting devices forced the hunters to go in search of prey under favorable weather conditions. Cloudless nights during the period of the full moon were considered as such. At this time, the stars shone brightly in the sky, and the Moon became like a modern searchlight. The days when there was a lot of snow on the surface of the earth were also considered favorable. It reflected starlight and moonlight, which made it possible to achieve good visibility.
In the middle of the century, day and night hunting became a full-fledged part of the culture of many civilizations. As a result, various holidays began to appear, in which people competed with each other in the ability to hunt certain animals. They were popular and everyone knew about their existence. Do not deprive the attention of hunting and artists. They regularly gave the world various sculptures, paintings and books on this subject. Various types of amateur performances were also popular, where many important topics for that time were touched upon (including the topic of hunting).
A new stage in the history of night hunting began during the Second World War. From its very first days, German soldiers began to use the simplest night vision devices, which made it possible to gain an advantage over opponents in the dark. It was these devices that in more peaceful times began to be used for hunting. With the help of such optics, it was possible to improve visibility and find hidden animals. Further development was also inextricably linked with night vision technology. You can buy night vision rifle scopes as well. It gradually improved and became more useful in performing various tasks. Thanks to this, dozens of types of devices appeared that were superior to their predecessors and provided better visibility in the light of the moon.
The modern history of night hunting is being written today. Every year, optics manufacturers give hunters improved models of devices, with the help of which this activity becomes as simple and interesting as possible. This process is only gaining momentum, so in the near future we can expect many interesting new products. While they are not available, night hunters have to use 4 types of optical instruments. Among them, NV scopes are the most popular. They are compact, easy to use and relatively inexpensive. An alternative to them are glasses, monoculars and night vision binoculars. All these devices create a high-quality image of the area, in which hidden animals can be easily distinguished.
In the recent history of night hunting there is a place for thermal imaging equipment. It captures the heat emanating from the bodies of animals and creates a high-quality image on the display. On it, you can not only distinguish the details of the object, but also notice the most heated or cooled areas. The information obtained allows the hunter to quickly detect even a very secretive animal and shoot at the most vulnerable spot on its body.
Every self-respecting hunter tried to hunt at night. This occupation has a long history and its roots are lost in the mists of time. From the moment of formation to the present day, it has gone through many stages of development, each of which had something new and interesting. Nowadays, night hunting is an exciting event that uses modern equipment and equipment. All these attributes make the process of tracking down and shooting a fowl as interesting as possible, which allows you to get unforgettable emotions and recharge your batteries before the next nightly hunt for prey.