The fortune of pop singer Jürgen Drews
How much money does Jürgen Drews have?
At least at Ballermann, Jürgen Drews is still a real star. After all, there is no other singer who is considered the declared “King of Mallorca”. Jürgen Drews earns a lot of money at his party appearances, which is probably the favorite vacation spot for many Germans. A single performance should bring him between 9,000 and 10,000 euros. With only four appearances in a month, i.e. one live show per week, this means a salary of almost 40,000 euros a month. So you can certainly live very well under the Mallorcan sun. Jürgen Drews has an esteemed assets of 5.5 million euros.
High salaries for Jürgen Drews at Ballermann
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If you look at the The fees of many other stars on the Ballermann look, Drews still clearly plays in the top league. Peter Wackel can only pocket a good 3,500 euros per appearance, while Anna-Maria Zimmermann, who once became famous for the TV format “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”, only gets 2,500 euros. While Almklausi only costs 800 euros, Willi Herren, with a fee of 1,500 euros per event, can unfortunately not look forward to a real insane salary either.
A great pop star with a great fortune
Even if Jürgen Drews is no longer the undisputed number 1 in terms of his earnings during a season on Mallorca, there still seems to be no more important German pop singer than him. His hit “Ein Bett im Kornfeld” is still played up and down today, so that Jürgen himself should continue to earn very well on this song. The star can also be booked for private appearances. It is of course not known how frequent such bookings are. However, it is rumored that a private appearance for the singer with a Fee of 15,000 euros or more goes hand in hand. If you want to experience Jürgen Drews live in your own living room, you have to dig deep into your pockets.
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In addition to his more or less successful albums, he has also participated in various films and television series to further promote the cult around himself. Roles in productions like “Ballermann 6” or “In love with Mallorca” seem to be tailor-made for the artist. Why should Jürgen say goodbye to his Ballermann image? After all, at an age when most people are more likely to think about their retirement, he continues to earn very good money!
Image sources:
(c) Universal Music
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