
The Rise of Caribbean Citizenship Programs: What is Driving the Trend?

Today, quite a large percentage of wealthy people prefer the countries washed by the Caribbean Sea to settle a second place of residence. The region attracts not only with its measured and peaceful life. Local passport gives access to the European banking system and soft tax regime. It is possible to obtain it in a very short period of time – just 2-6 months, and even without the direct presence of the person, it is enough to delegate the task to the relevant accredited agency. Caribbean citizenship by investment is provided approximately in the amount of 100-150 thousand dollars. This includes refundable and non-refundable investments.

Growing Popularity of Caribbean Citizenship Programs

At least a few countries currently offer programs for immigration for investment in this region. They help people not only acquire a second passport but also earn money because a significant part of the contributions is returned after 3-7 years. Caribbean citizenship by investment is attractive for owners of capital from abroad, heads of international corporations, and other successful persons. The passport is issued both directly to the applicant and to his relatives. It is enough just to indicate the corresponding wish in the application.

Essential Benefits of Caribbean Citizenship

The Caribbean passport allows one to rediscover the world. It allows one to enter over 100 countries without any problems. For example, it entitles one to an American visitor visa for ten years. Documents for it are processed in just a couple of weeks. Other foreigners have to wait up to a year for a tourist visa.

Local citizenship, according to Imin Caribbean Acyr Jardim, also offers other advantages:

  1. No taxes on capital or income.
  2. Fast opening of a bank account in the European Union.
  3. Benefits of receiving a British education.
  4. Easy business registration process.

The advantages also include the absence of the need for permanent residence. In many other states, it is not possible to qualify for residency status without complying with this rule.

Global Mobility and Visa-Free Travel

Wealthy people often choose the Caribbean as their second home because of the availability of world tours without additional visas. It is hard to find another passport in the world that gives so much freedom. Its holders can travel freely throughout the EU countries.

Economic Stability in the Caribbean

Immediately after citizenship, new residents can register legal entities in the country. This simplifies cooperation with partners, as payments do not involve currency control. Information about beneficiaries is not included in the commercial register. By obtaining a Caribbean passport through investment, one can save significantly due to tax optimization. Citizens of countries in this region are exempt from inheritance tax, royalties, dividends, and capital gains.

The Role of Real Estate in Caribbean Citizenship Programs

To obtain citizenship, the applicant must make two contributions – one non-refundable, the second – refundable. The first one is made to a special fund created by the state. The money is used for social infrastructure. In Antigua, the donation gives the right to free education in a respected educational institution for a year. The return contribution involves the purchase of a share in various real estate objects. These can be hotels or apartments.

Comparative Analysis with Other Citizenship Programs Worldwide

It is not only new prospects that make the local residency options attractive. Even the easiest citizenship in Caribbean can be obtained within 300 days. In the situation with other states, it is initially required to live on a permanent basis for up to 3-5 years. At the same time, it is possible to leave only for a limited period. A local passport is issued even to people who have never visited the area.

A comparison of the specifics of obtaining residency in some Caribbean states:

  1. Antigua and Barbuda. The procedure takes no more than 150-185 days. Grandparents, moms/dads, children, and husband/wife can apply for residency.
  2. St. Kitts and Nevis. From 45 to 120 days, determined by the procedure chosen. Citizenship is even granted to parents, children, and husband/wife.
  3. Grenada. The application is processed from 180 to 300 days. Passports can also be obtained by parents, children, siblings in the first degree of consanguinity, husband/wife, and grandparents.

The investment size mustn’t be directly related to the number of family members. The contribution has a fixed amount.


Caribbean residency allows one to enter a new level of life and to become a true citizen of the world. It is best to work with an immigration lawyer to complete the paperwork. Especially if one plans to obtain a passport without leaving one’s current country of residence.

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