Who is Awed Simone Paciello? Age, Weight, Youtuber, Winner of the Island of the Famous
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Awed, born Simone Paciello, is one 24-year-old youtuber from Naples, became famous in 2012 thanks to his irony and his video reactions. He participated in two editions of Social Face, Sky reality and starred in the film Christmas in the South with Massimo Boldi. Awed is the winner The island of the Famous 2021, and it is the first youtuber absolutely ad land on a reality show and then win it.
Who is it Awed?
- First name: Awed
- Real Name: Simone Paciello
- Zodiac sign: Cancer
- Age: 24 years
- Date of birth: July 12, 1996
- Birth place: Naples
- Profession: Youtuber
- Height: 187 cm
- Weight: 75 kg (59 kilos on the Island of the Famous)
- Tattoos: nobody
- You Tube Channel: Awed
- Official Instagram profile: @awed_
- Follow us on our Official Instagram profile: @ chiecosa.it
Awed Biography
Simone Paciello was born in Naples on 12 July 1996: has a brother named Daniele (older) and a sister. At 16, almost as a joke, he begins to publish gods video on You Tube, enjoying great success almost immediately. Interacting immediately with his followers, Awed mixes sarcasm and irony, especially during his own video reactions, which are fundamentally based on the comment on television programs that he himself considers trash.
Simone Paciello, in 2016, participates in the two editions of the program, broadcast on Sky Uno, Social Face, along with 7 other youtubers.
The notoriety also leads him to publish a book: I think but I don’t think so, and to form a youtuber comic trio, together with Amedeo Preziosi and Riccardo Dose. The new trio reached popularity quickly enough to sign a contract with Newtopia (record label of Fedez and J-Ax) and to record hits such as Sorry for the inconvenience And I also have flaws.
He currently leads, with Annie Mazzola, the GFVIP Party (on Mediaset Play), and just in this context has made its official participation as castaway a The island of the Famous 2021, conducted by Ilary Blasi.
Awed what does that mean?
The name Awed translated means “fearful”. However Simone Paciello did not choose this name for its meaning: the name was in fact chosen because the letters on the keyboard are consecutive and were very simple to write. He has declared
The name derives from the unwillingness to look for one done well. Anyone who is listless just writes four letters on the keyboard and my videos come out.
Awed Girlfriend
Awed alias Simone Paciello had a long relationship with actress Ludovica Bizzaglia (actress of A Place in the Sun), known on the set of Christmas in the South. The rumors say that it took the youtuber almost six months to ask the actress for a date, which he judged the boy to be very stingy.
The causes of their separation are not known … there are those who say that the breakup was due to an interest on the part of the boy towards the youtuber Giulia Penna. However unconfirmed news, they would only be rumors born from the fact that the two collaborate a lot for work.
Subsequently, to the youtuber, a flirtation with Giulia De Lellis has also been attributed; of this news there is no confirmation. There was also talk of an interest in Giulia Penna but even this news has not been confirmed.
Awed Youtuber with Riccardo Dose and Amedeo Preziosi
Simone Paciello made his debut under the pseudonym Awed as a youtuber in 2012, when he was still 16 years old. Bored with school and eager to use his time creatively, he decides to open a You Tube channel and post what are video-reactions, where the boy comments in an ironic and sarcastic way the “TV trash programs”. Interacting immediately with his followers, Simone quickly reaches notoriety and participates in 2016 in the two editions of the Sky program: Social Face, together with other youtubers such as Favij, Stepny, Greta Menchi, Anima, Surreal Power, dad Vegas and Francesco Posa One.
Awed, together with Amedeo Preziosi and Riccardo Dose, forms a comic trio (also on You Tube) which leads the 3 young people to be positively noticed by Massimo Boldi, who in fact wants them in 2016 for his cinepattone Christmas in the South where Paolo Conticini and Anna Tatangelo also play. In the same year Awed publishes his book: I think but I don’t think.
In 2017 Awed, Preziosi and Dose, sign a recording contract with Newtopia, a label of Fedez and J-Ax, realizing the songs Sorry for the inconvenience And I also have flaws.
On Mediaset Play, together with Annie Mazzola, he leads the GFVIP Party; during the last episode Awed made official his participation as a castaway in The Island of the Famous 2021.
Island Of The Famous 2021
Awed aka Simone Paciello is a competitor of the Isola dei Famosi 2021 led by Ilary Blasi and which sees Massimiliano Rosolino as a special envoy to Honduras. It is the first time that Simone alias Awed participates in this type of program: in fact, he has never appeared before in a reality show.
The reality show counts on him to entertain the public, thanks to the ironic character of the youtuber, his critical sense and the gift of always having the joke ready. He declared that he was inspired by the castaway Sergio Muniz and that he was afraid of mosquitos!
In the first days on the island in the company of his Burinos team, Awed found himself enjoying the company of Vera Gemma that he defines solar and positive and able to give him a great charge of energy. The Youtuber is also proving to be able to juggle survival. Awed gets along very well with his entire Burinos group. He has shown interest in blondes: beyond the fence that divides BUrinos and Rafinados, he does not fail to send appreciation, between the serious and the facetious, to Drusilla and Miryea! Awed in nomination against Vera Gemma and Gilles Rocca succeeds in win televoting and stay on the island. The abandonment of his true friend gem, however, causes Awed deep sadness and a sense of estrangement from the group, which sends him nominated against Miryea Stabile. Awed has the arduous task of finding his place on the island without the complicity of Vera with whom they practically made a group of their own. Awed clarified with the group and realized that he had been self-isolating behavior, effectively denying part of his behavior and his friendship with Vera Gemma. A meeting is then organized in the following days between Vera and Awed, who in the meantime has learned about Playa Esperanza that he has in fact renounced their relationship. The clarification led to a confrontation Awed hadn’t expected. Subsequently in the episode of April 19 Awed, visibly thinner, also has a confrontation with Beatrice Marchetti eliminated on televoting and current resident of Playa Imboscada: Awed after having shown interest in the girl named her and the two have no longer found points of agreement. The heated confrontation did not lead to a clarification. In the episode of April 26, Awed is moved to the team of climbers together with Isolde Kostner and Roberto Ciufoli who join the newcomers at the behest of the leader of the moment Francesca Lodo.
After 50 days in the reality show, Awed is lost weight a lot and the production decided to have him undergo medical examinations. During the episode of May 7 he also received a special portion of “parmigiana” as a gift. Also Awed after giving kisses to all the castaways … finally receives the kiss by Emanuela Tittochia. The legend of Awed’s curse takes hold on the Island: whoever kisses Awed leaves the program shortly after! Tittocchia is no exception, so that Awed finds himself joking with Valentina Persia over the weeks about this “curse”. Valentina then improvising playful advances towards the boy he proposes to go directly “to the after” so as to break the spell! Awed is preparing to be one of the finalists of the Isola dei Famosi: through a test he manages to access the final, in which he contends for the final victory with the other finalists: Awed, Beatrice Marchetti, Ignazio Moser, Andrea Cerioli, Valentina Persia and Matteo Diamante.
Awed wins televoting at the beginning of the final evening against Matteo Diamante: Awed is one of the finalists after eliminating Andrea Cerioli the final televoting is played and the overall victory with Valentina Persia. He manages to win and to win the victory of L’Isola Dei Famosi 2021.
How many pounds has Awed lost?
Awed has lost 16 kg on the island of the famous, passing from the weight of 75 kg to the weight of 59 kg.
Instagram Awed
Very active on social media, Awed said that his favorite is undoubtedly instagram. In fact, his profile has 1.6 million followers, with whom he shares numerous shots of jobs, friendships, private life and what goes through his head. On social networks we obviously often see him with his friends and collaborators: Amedeo Preziosi And Riccardo Dose.
Curiosities about Awed
- He was the victim, in November ’21, of a joke of Le Iene with the complicity of his friends Amedeo Preziosi and Riccardo Dose.
- His my childhood dream was to be a postman in America to throw newspapers at the foot of the doors of the houses;
- Simone claimed to feed much annoyance for paintings in hotels, enough to define the sensation as one real phobia;
- In his early videos he held the puppets on the contrary;
- He stated of suffer from an identity crisis;
- notoriety and collaboration with Newtopia, have also brought Awed at the super wedding of Fedez and Chiara Ferragni.
Awed Video
Article by Emanuela Italia
Tag #Island Of The Famous
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