
Can a router work without the internet?

It is a random Saturday evening. The pitter-patter of rain sprinkles the gloomy feeling on your heart and you feel like watching a light-hearted, fantasy movie to lighten your mood. You turn on your laptop, sign in to Netflix and start watching ‘Leap Year’. Just as Amy Adams and Mathew Goode are about to confront each other, the laptop screen freezes and all your curiosity goes in vain.

What would you do in such a situation? Would you be cursing your luck and timing? Yes of course. But this won’t be your first reaction.  Your first instinct would be to look at your internet device with disgust and think about switching your internet service provider. So if you have recently experienced this feeling of helplessness and are contemplating switching your ISP, then selecting reputable providers like Optimum would be the way to go. 

Even if you are fine with your current internet service provider, there will be instances where you will end up losing your internet connection. I have experienced this countless times and it is not a good feeling at all.

When this happened to me the first time, it triggered my power to overthink and I started thinking as to whether the router would still function without the aid of the internet and whether all of my gadgets would continue to communicate with one another.

After a lot of research, I found out that, a router essentially will function without the help of the internet and will bless you with LAN also known as Local Area Network, which will allow the linked devices to communicate with one another.

This essentially authorizes connected services like shared printers and files to continue to be utilized even without the aid of an internet connection.

Can a router function without the internet?

A router can create both a wired and wireless network for you even if you don’t have access to the Internet; however, no Internet access will be available to the devices connected to the network.

All of the linked devices will be able to communicate with one another because of being connected to the same network, so if you are unlucky enough to lose your Internet, you won’t have to worry about losing shared services.

How to log into router settings without Internet access?

You might need to adjust the router’s settings if you are having trouble connecting to the Internet through it. Fortunately, gaining access to the network settings only requires a direct connection to the router rather than an Internet connection.

The router’s wireless signal can be used for this connection, but it is preferable to utilize an Ethernet cable in case you need to change the wireless settings.

  1. Connect one end of an Ethernet wire to any of the router’s numbered ports on the rear. Whichever you decide on, just be sure not to connect it to the WAN port.
  2. The Ethernet port on your computer should now be connected to the Ethernet cable’s opposite end. The Ethernet port has a phone jack-like appearance.
  3. The IP address of the router should be typed into your browser’s address bar. The IP addresses “” and “” are the most common ones. Click “Start,” type “cmd,” and press, “Enter” to get your router’s IP address if you cannot find it. In the Command Prompt window, type “ipconfig” and hit “Enter.” To find the IP address, look for “Default Gateway.”
  4. In the login window, enter the username and password for the router. The most typical default login is “Admin.” The most frequent default passwords are “Admin,” “Password,” or a blank password. The documentation for your router should identify any alternative methods it uses.
  5. In order to access your router’s settings, click “Login.”

How to Create a Home Network Without an Internet Connection?

Even if you don’t have access to the Internet, setting up a home network is a pretty simple process. Just follow the steps listed below.

  1. Connect the router to the wired devices.

Let’s start with the wired gadgets. The accessible LAN ports can be discovered on the back of the router. Take one end of an Ethernet cable and insert it there. The other end must be connected to the Ethernet port of the device.

  • Login to the router

Log into your router using the same procedures as above, then search for the network settings. You should have no trouble locating a screen that allows you to view DHCP settings.

  • Configure the DHCP range

Next in line is the configuration process. You would be required to configure the IP address range provided by your router to the linked devices. Since the router will have its IP address, it must be left out of the range.

  • Test the device

You can test the connection now that the DHCP range has been configured and your device is physically linked to your network.

  • Select “Start” from the menu.
  • Press Enter after typing “cmd” and “ipconfig,” respectively.

The IP address displayed, which the router has given to that specific device, should be found to be inside the DHCP range that you just established.

Wrapping up

What you need to know about “will a router work without internet” is provided here. Even without an internet connection, a router can function. However, there is a little catch. To function without the internet, your router must have built-in functionality.

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