Who is Nunzia De Girolamo: Biography, Age, Family, Criminal case and Instagram
Nunzia De Girolamo, in the registry office Annunziata, she is a former politician and currently a television host. Former minister of agricultural, food and forestry policies from 2013 to 2014, we saw Nunzia a Dancing with the stars 2019, and is currently the host of the program Hello Male, broadcast from 13 February in the late evening every Saturday on Rai 1.
Who is it Nunzia De Girolamo?
- No.like: Annunziata De Girolamo
- Zodiac sign: Balance
- Age: 45 years
- Date of birth: October 10, 1975
- Birth place: Benevento
- Profession: TV personality, presenter and ex-politician
- Height: 175 cm
- Weight: 63 Kg
- Tattoos: nobody
- Official Instagram Profile: @ nunzia.degirolamo
- Follow us on our Official Instagram profile: @ chiecosa.it
Nunzia De Girolamo was born on 10 October 1975 in Benevento as Annunziata De Girolamo. Daughter of Nicola De Girolamo, at the time director of the local agricultural consortium, Nunzia graduated from the classical high school and immediately enrolled in the Faculty of Law of La Sapienza in Rome. After graduating, De Girolamo began her legal activity, dealing mainly with commercial and banking law, civil and labor law.
She entered politics in 2007, when she became the citizen coordinator of Forza Italia in his hometown, to then be nominated for the Chamber of Deputies (with Il popolo della liberty) and then becomes a member of the Board of Directors of the PdL in the chamber. In the political sphere, the her name is noticed due to an “exchange of notes” between her, Gabriella Giammanco and Silvio Berlusconi.
After various disputes with his own party (Nuovo Centrodestra) he landed in Forza Italia, eventually ending up in abandoning a political career in 2017.
Since 2018 we have seen De Girolamo split between printed journalism (The weather And Free), And television activity. We see it first in collaboration with Massimo Giletti for It is not the Arena (LA7) and in 2019 is a competitor of dancing with the Stars, Milly Carlucci’s lucky program, in which Nunzia is paired with Raimondo Todaro, competing with Ettore Bassi and Dani Osvaldo among others.
Nunzia De Girolamo is the host of the new program Hello Male, broadcast from 13 February 2021 in the second evening of Rai 1.
Political career
2007 is the year that sees the entry into politics of Nunzia De Girolamo, who is the coordinator of Forza Italia in Benevento. The following year he becomes a member of the Governing Council of the People of Liberty in the Chamber, when becomes known for the small scandal of the “notes” that involved her together with Silvio Berlusconi and Gabriella Giammanco.
In 2013 he was Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies of the Enrico Letta government, effectively becoming the second woman to hold the post, after Adriana Poli Bortone. During this term, the 5 Star Movement presents a motion of no confidence against Nunzia, due to the scandal from the ASL of Benevento.
In October 2014 he held the position of vice president of the council for authorizations in Montecitorio, the Letta government falls and Maria Elena Boschi is appointed minister without portfolio for constitutional reforms and for relations with Parliament for Renzi’s government. The following year, however, he enters open conflict with Angelino Alfano and is thus replaced by Maurizio Lupi; Nunzia decides to remain as a party minority, to then abandon it and join Come on Italy. Her career proceeds without too many hitches, leading her to fill the role of commissioner of Forza Italia in Molise.
2018 is the last year that Nunzia spends in politics: is a candidate as leader of the Chamber for the proportional in the Bologna-Imola boarding school; however, she is not elected and thus decides to definitively abandon politics.
Television career
After abandoning her political career, Nunzia begins to edit a column, Nunzia Vobis, for the everyday The weather, and another column, Piazza del Popolo, for Free.
In September 2018 it arrives on television; the collaboration with Massimo Giletti for the program begins It is not the Arena, broadcast on LA7.
We see her, paired with Raimondo Todaro, in talent show Dancing with the stars 2019 by Milly Carlucci, challenging faces such as Ettore Bassi, Dani Osvaldo, Manuela Arcuri, Enrico Lo Verso, Sister Cristina and many others.
Also in 2019 we see it in the program conducted by Stefano De Martino (and previously by Amadeus) Tonight anything is possible, together with Biagio Izzo, Lisa Fusco, Ariadna Romero and Mercedesz Henger.
At the moment Nunzia De Girolamo is there host of the new program Hello Male, broadcast from February 13 on the second evening of Saturday on Rai 1.
Very active on social networks, Nunzia De Girolamo’s instagram profile has almost 90,000 followers. The presenter shares her works, opinions and photos with her beloved daughter Gea with her followers.
Private life
Since December 2011 Nunzia De Girolamo has been married to the deputy of the PD Francesco Boccia. Former minister for regional affairs and autonomies, during the second Conte government, Boccia, despite having political beliefs totally opposite to those of Nunzia, says he is proud of his wife, especially of the new path as a TV presenter.
The two have a daughter, Gea, born on 9 June 2012.
The “gallant notes” with Silvio Berlusconi
On the banks of Montecitorio, in 2008, De Girolamo was involved, together with her colleague Gabriella Giammanco, in a mini-scandal. In fact, during one of the first parliamentary sessions of the legislature, the news of one came out exchange of “gallant notes” between Nunzia, Giammanco and Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. The content of the cards made the world of politics and gossip talk about it.
The premier wrote
Gabri, Nunzia, you look good together! Thanks for staying here, but it’s not necessary. If you have any gallant invitations for breakfast, I authorize you to leave! Many kisses to both of you !!! “Your” president “
And Giammanco and De Girolamo replied
Dear President, we accept gallant invitations only from you
Judicial affairs
In 2014 Nunzia De Girolamo resigned from the role of minister due to the motion of no confidence presented by the 5 Star Movement, due to some false payment orders to the local ASL of Benevento. The Benevento prosecutor asked for the indictment for De Girolamo accused of: concussion, abuse of office and exchange of favors to obtain electoral votes.
Towards the end of 2020, the prosecution proposes an 8-year sentence, which, however, has not seen implementation the acquittal of Nunzia.
Positive announcement to COVID-19
In October 2020, Nunzia undergoes the teast for COVID-19, which was unfortunately positive. After the necessary period of isolation, the host has recovered very well and is now in excellent shape.
- He is a sports lover and practices it frequently;
- He loves to wear very much short hair;
- She won over her husband with her cooking;
- the same year in which Minister Gentiloni asked for his resignation, Giorgia Meloni denied the latter’s trust;
- was a guest of Francesca Fagnani on the program Beasts.
Nunzia De Girolamo Videos
On January 19, 2021, Nunzia De Girolamo, just acquitted by the prosecutor of Benevento, gives an interview to Serena Bortone, in her program Today is another day.
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