Here Are Ways to Prepare for Winter Storms
Just because spring is on the way doesn’t mean you shouldn’t think about next winter. If you lived through a harsh winter, you may want to avoid repeating some mistakes. From food to window prep, here are some ways you can keep your home and family safe during a winter storm.
Frozen Pipes
Imagine going to take a shower or wash your hands in the middle of winter only to realize there’s a trickle of water coming out. That can happen if your pipes freeze over during a storm. You can prepare and prevent frozen pipes by getting them insulated before next winter. If you forget to insulate them, you can also learn how to thaw frozen pipes on your own.
If you’re caught in a big winter storm, plumbers may not be able to get there immediately. So it’s a good idea to know how to handle frozen pipes on your own if you can avoid relying on outside help. Another good tip is to open your lower kitchen cabinets so that frozen pipes can benefit from heat in your kitchen space. Remember to open up your faucets so those pipes can have a chance to release any pressure, including trapped water that needs to leak out.
Food Supplies
You don’t always want to have to stock up before every winter storm hits. All those grocery stores will be crowded with other people with the same idea. Make it easy on yourself by having a solid food supply before winter starts. If you don’t already have a pantry, you may want to use the summer months to build one. That way, you can begin stocking up on dry and canned goods. Buy soups, dried fruit, powdered eggs, and milk. You can even dehydrate your own food and learn how to store it properly. You can also store supplements just in case you need additional nutrition. Bulk food supplies are easy to order online. After all, Amazon has a whole list of camping food and other supplies you can buy in bulk.
Window and Door Prep
Your windows indoors are the entryway to your home. So they’re very vulnerable when high winds, rains, and heavy snow are outside. Before the next winter storm hits, you should have storm windows and doors installed. Such windows and doors will give you extra protection. You may also want to install awnings over your windows as they provide additional shade and covering from wet weather. You can also use a DIY method in which you learn how to chalk your windows before winter starts.
How is your home insulation? Wet snow can creep into your home and cause damage, just like rain. That’s why it’s vital to have strong roofing, siding, and floors. So keep up with your annual roof inspection so you can prevent leaks. If your siding is weak or past its lifespan, it may be time to replace it. A strong and newly installed siding is less likely to rip off due to strong winds.
A fierce winter storm can cause the power to cut out. With no power, you also won’t have heat. Play it safe by installing a backup generator and learn how to make it work.
Just because you’re preparing for summer now doesn’t mean you can’t prepare for winter as well. Remember, winter storms can be fierce. Some may cause a great deal of damage to your home if there are any weak spots. Depending on your area, you may have to prepare to stay in place for a while and not rely on grocery shopping. However, with prep, such as the tips on this list, you can prepare and survive your next winter storm with ease.
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