Net Worth

The 20 cities with the most millionaires in the world

The personification of a dream, as many think. be rich, that is what many people want. The millionaires and billionaires of this world have long been living the dream. But where do you find them? You regularly read about the richest people in the media. They are also featured frequently on television, but which domicile do the super-rich move into? Which cities are particularly in demand? Where is it going for people like Bill Gates?

Where the rich people live

Unsurprisingly: In the largest metropolises in the world you can find the domiciles of billionaires. A study by the Swiss UBS Bank and the business information service Wealth-X shows the 20 cities with the most billionaires in the world. European cities can also be found in this ranking. Three of these cities are in Western Europe. The British are at the forefront in Europe. London – probably the largest metropolis in Europe – is home to third place worldwide 72 super rich billionaires. In fourth place is Paris with 33 billionaires. New York is number one with 103 billionaires, while the world metropolis of Moscow has 85 billionaires.

Panama Papers involved stars
Every third billionaire lives in Europe during these times. So is our continent is the one with the most super-rich this earth. In cities like Liechtenstein and Monaco there are of course a correspondingly large number of billionaires. These cities are typical tax havens for the super-rich, and compared to the number of inhabitants they are also overrepresented there. Many accept the distance to home in order to save taxes. Lower tax rates are a tempting proposition for many. Consider the case of the Panama Papers. But there are also a lot of billionaires living in larger states and cities in terms of population. The front runner in the supposed “underdogs” is Great Britain, with an impressive 130 billionaires. Great Britain is closely followed by Germany with 123 billionaires and Russia with around 114 billionaires. Austria, for example, is in the race with around 20 billionaires, which is an impressive sum, one might think.

The rich in Europe are getting richer

Many are surprised by the density of the super-rich in Europe; billionaires and their guild are more likely to be in the USA. That is a fallacy, because especially in Europe the rich are getting richer and richer. With about $ 2.375 trillion the 775 billionaires overtook North Americans in total wealth. As mentioned above, most of the super-rich in Europe live in Great Britain with 130 representatives. The United Kingdom is closely followed by Germany with 123 billionaires. The Principality of Liechtenstein has the highest density of billionaires: five billionaires among the few 37,000 inhabitants.

Asia as a paradise for the rich

Most Incidentally, newer billionaires come from China. The country, which is almost equal to a continent, offers enormous investment potential, the opportunities for advancement are incredible. The financial lists of popular magazines show an increase in wealth of almost 19 percent to a total of 1.14 trillion dollars. That includes about 52 new billionaires, a tremendous number – Incidentally, 33 from China alone. In total, there are around 560 super-rich at home in Asia. Meanwhile, Latin America recorded the strongest increase in the number of the rich with an increase of 38 percent to 153 people.

In Africa, however, according to UBS and Wealth-X, the number of billionaires has decreased slightly to a total of 194. On the other hand, their assets have increased by a double-digit percentage. There are around 609 billionaires living in the United States who together make up the $ 2.371 billion own. Incidentally, women are also numerous on the lists in order to briefly indulge in the gender debate. Those who have acquired a fortune through their skill, ability, penchant for innovation or just luck. Almost one in eight of the super-rich on current lists is a woman. However, two out of three billionaires have her Huge fortune simply inherited, according to recent research on the subject.

But where do the many new super-rich come from? – Many branches of business are booming!

In general, it can be said that there are many different lines of business that allow money to be accumulated. In return, however, the influx of the super-rich also enables many new branches of business. The real estate market, for example, is flourishing, especially at Luxury real estate. The European metropolis of London is a gold mine for all real estate agents.

The flourishing market encourages new construction projects. More than 230 buildings are already planned, some with more than 20 floors – some of them already under construction. Most of these emerging buildings will soon be used as residential property. For example, the Hertsmere Tower is to be built near the Canary Wharf financial district. That “tower” is supposed to be the largest residential building in Europe – together with luxurious apartments and lucrative housing prices!

In the first quarter of 2015, house prices in London rose by a total of more than 18%. This is borne out by figures from Nationwide, the UK’s largest building society. Buyers from other countries who want to invest their money safely, in terms of inflation, also ensured this sharp increase. They were also willing to pay extreme prices for this purpose. A little fun fact on the side: around 35% of the super-rich worldwide have no university degree, so there is still hope for all career changers! Some respect them Self-made billionaires, such as Steve Jobs, more than the inherited. We reveal where the money lives:

20 cities with the most millionaires in the world

Millionaires in Moscow
20th place Moscow

101,000 millionaires live in the Russian capital, and the number is rising. There are also about 85 billionaires there, according to WealthInsight. This even ranks Moscow in third place in the list of cities with the most billionaires.

19th place in Mexico City
There are a good 102,000 millionaires among the approximately nine million inhabitants of Mexico’s capital. Many will now suspect that criminal business could be behind it. That’s right. Not all the rich there have obtained their wealth through legal means. Many gangsters have made fortunes from drugs, guns, and other prohibited businesses. An example of this is also Pablo Escobar.

18th Houston
The US city in Texas has few problems, either in terms of the environment, the crime rate or the opportunities for advancement. At least the super-rich are not lacking in the city of Houston. 103,000 millionaires and ten billionaires have already settled there.

17th place Sydney
WealthInsight has 104,000 millionaires in the Australian city of Sydney, which many mistake for the capital of Australia. In fact, Sydney is the capital of the Australian state of New South Wales. But it is also the largest city in Australia with a total of 4.63 million inhabitants.

16th place Chicago
Chicago is located on the southwest shore of Lake Michigan in the US state of Illinois. The view and the surrounding land are obviously appealing to millionaires – 107,000 live there. There are also 16 billionaires in the city of 2.7 million people.

15th place Toronto
118,000 millionaires live in Canada’s largest city. Toronto is the capital of the Province of Ontario. Toronto is known, among other things, for the city’s zoo. Will you also meet the millionaires there?

# 14 Los Angeles
The “City of Angels” is popular with the rich and the super-rich. It has 126,000 millionaires, 950 multimillionaires and 19 billionaires.

13th place Rome
Veni, Vidi, Vici, as Caesar would say: 127,000 millionaires live in Rome. There are also around 945 multimillionaires – in a European comparison the number of multimillionaires there is particularly high.

12th place in Munich
With 130,000 millionaires, 12th place goes to the Bavarian capital. The German city has 1,113 multimillionaires – the symbiosis of innovation and centuries of tradition seems to please the rich of this world.

11th place in Seoul
131,000 millionaires and 1,302 multimillionaires live in the South Korean capital.

Millionaires in Singapore
10th place in Singapore

Singapore is the smallest state in Southeast Asia in terms of area. When it comes to wealth, things are very different. 157,000 millionaires, 3,154 multimillionaires and 13 billionaires live there and induce a size of rich personalities.

9th place in Shanghai
There are 166,000 millionaires, 1,028 multimillionaires and 23 billionaires in the large Chinese port city.

8th place in Hong Kong
The Chinese metropolis on the south coast has 187,000 millionaires, 2,560 multimillionaires and 40 billionaires.

7th place Osaka
There are 190,000 millionaires and 1,450 multimillionaires among the 2.6 million inhabitants.

6th place in Beijing
The capital of China ranks 6th, with 213,000 millionaires, 1,318 multimillionaires and 29 billionaires. This is an impressive number in an international comparison. However, a rather small number if you include the masses of population and use it as a constant for comparison. After all, Beijing has 21.5 million inhabitants.

5th place in Frankfurt
More than one in three people in Frankfurt is rich. With 217,000 millionaires and 1,868 multimillionaires, Frankfurt is way ahead – and that with “only” around 700,000 inhabitants. A single domicile for the rich, the beautiful city of Frankfurt.

4th place Paris
219,000 millionaires, 1,500 multimillionaires and 33 billionaires live in the famous capital of France, the “City of Love”. Whether the many sights attract the large number of the rich?

3rd place London
Third place goes to the capital of the United Kingdom: 281,000 millionaires. On the list of multimillionaires, London even ranks first with 4,224. There are also 72 billionaires there, an impressive number for the metropolis of Europe.

2nd place New York City
389,000 millionaires, 2,929 multimillionaires, and 103 billionaires live in NYC. This makes New York City the number one billionaire list. But not the premier millionaire city to deserve. 1st place goes to Asia.

1st place Tokyo
Millionaires in Tokyo
461,000 millionaires live in the Japanese metropolis, also spelled Tokyo. In addition, Tokyo ranks second on the list with the most multimillionaires with 3,525 super-rich. In addition, there are at least 26 billionaires.

Image sources:
Island: More Trendy Design here /
Moscow: Skadr /
Singapore: Nuttawut Uttamaharad /
Tokyo: jannoon028 /

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