Net Worth

The assets of Klaas Heufer-Umlauf

How much money does Klaas Heufer-Umlauf have?

Klaa's fortune

If Klaas Heufer-Umlauf can do one thing, then it’s not just fun. He’s just as good at keeping his private life under lock and key. For example, it is only known that he has a child with the Austrian presenter Doris Golpashin. Although the offspring of the two saw the light of day in April 2013, it is not yet known whether they are a son or a daughter. The name of the child is also kept secret. The actual assets of Klaas are also kept secret. After a lot of research we were able to determine: The estimated net worth of Klaas Heufer-Umlauf is 10 million euros.

However, there are really many good reasons to believe that Klaas Heufer-Umlauf should have a big bank account. After all, he is an all-rounder and appears as a presenter, actor, singer, entrepreneur and investor as well as a successful television producer. Not only in front of, but also behind the camera, Klaas earns extremely well. This is all the more astonishing when you consider that the smart artist only has a secondary school diploma and does not have a high school diploma. Before he could start his impressive television career all along the line, Klaas completed an apprenticeship as a hairdresser. In Weimar he has also worked as a make-up artist – neither of which is a job that usually earns millions. But as an entertainer, presenter & Co. he inspires masses of people. He does this really well.

Late Night Berlin

Since 2018 Klaas has moderated and produced the ProSieben comedy show “Late Night Berlin”.

About Klaas and Joko

Joko and Klaas

Klaas was seen on TV before Klaas and Joko, namely as Moderator at VIVA. However, the two men were only able to climb the German TV Olympus together. After Klaas Heufer-Umlauf switched from VIVA to competing broadcaster MTV in 2009, this should seal his future career. It was there that he finally met Joachim “Joko” Winterscheidt, with whom he jointly presented “MTV Home”. Today the two can mainly be seen at ProSieben. With their various successful formats in the comedy sector, the two simply cannot be stopped. “Circus HalliGalli” (2013-2017), “Joko versus Klaas – The Duel Around the World” (since 2012) and “My Best Enemy” (2014-2016) are just a few of the successful shows. Since 2016 the program “The best show in the world” has also been on view.

A true friendship between men?

The two keep making headlines because they are said to be are not friends at all privately. If you consider what a well-established team Joko and Klaas are on TV and how well they can tease each other, then this seems all the more unlikely. Or maybe the two stars just live by the motto that they don’t want to mix their professional and private lives so much.

Merit of Klaas Heufer-Umlauf
Klaas himself has indicated in the media that a friendship between him and Joko is definitely growing. If they are currently producing a joint show for television, the two would see each other five days a week anyway. So it is hardly surprising that their need to see each other on the other days of the week is not that great. Quarrels between the two are also an absolute rarity. So you don’t have to worry about that Relationship between Joko and Klaas do.

The sympathy between the two, which is easy to see on television, is definitely real. At the moment it would not be financially smart for either of them if they went their separate ways. Because Joko and Klaas are straight so successful as a duo. They have also won some of the most important prizes of their careers together, such as the Grimme Prize for “Circus HalliGalli” in 2014.

Photos: @damitdasklaas / Twitter

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