What do cats like to eat for breakfast
What do cats like to eat for breakfast
There Most of your cat’s diet should consist of nutritionally complete foods, although you can occasionally give her a snack or something more delicious. You just need to know what the kitty-friendly snacks complete with the nutrients it needs.
Meat, protein
THE felines are carnivores, so eat meat, reason for which the cat’s diet assumes the presence of meat. Simple and clear. They must take in animal protein for a strong heart, good eyesight and a healthy reproductive system. Cooked beef, chicken, turkey and small amounts of cured meats they can be good snacks from time to time. Raw or spoiled meat could make your cat sick, as it does for people on the other hand. If you don’t eat it, don’t give it to your pet.
Whole grains
L’oats have a lot of protein per calorie. Many cats also love corn and polenta, as these foods have a good texture to them. When wondering what cats can eat, you can try brown rice, barley, and wheat berries, However, remember that you may need to crush them first. Cats they tend to like smaller grains like millet and couscous. Just make sure that the grains you give are cooked so your kitten can digest them completely. Wholemeal breadcrumbs are also OK.
Fish should also be included in the diet of the domestic cat, which contains a lot of fatty acid such as omega-3s, which help the cat’s eyes stay healthy, also helps prevent arthritis, kidney disease and heart disease. Canned or cooked fish is good for a treat or snack. But don’t share your sushi – raw fish isn’t a good idea.
The eggs are another super source of protein to be included in the cat’s diet. But make sure they are cooked. Like raw meat and fish, raw eggs can also be bad for your kitty.
Not all cats like vegetables, it’s still minus the fruit (felines cannot taste and appreciate sweet flavors). But vegetables are a rich source of vitamins to be included in the diet of the domestic cat because they are rich in fiber and water to help digestion. Try fresh cucumbers or cantaloupe, steamed broccoli or asparagus.
If you just can’t get vegetables into your diet, try a veggie burger – just be careful that the patty does not include onions or garlic.
The cheese is a high-protein snack that is only good for your cat in small amounts. Bad cheese proteins are less “complete” than those of meat, fish and eggs. Also, cat intestines often can’t handle dairy products, So go easy on the treats and skip the saucer of milk, if necessary.
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