Who is Davide Silvestri? Age, Girlfriend Alessia, Instagram, Living and Brewery
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Davide Silvestri is a 40-year-old actor, originally from Fourth Giaro in the province of Milan, known to the public for having played Marco Falcon in soap opera To live and for having participated in L’Isola of the Famous in 2003. Active in the theater, cinema and television fields, Davide Silvestri he is also a beer producer. It is currently a competitor of the Big Brother Vip 2021.
Who is Davide Silvestri?
- First name: Davide Silvestri
- Age: 40 years
- Date of birth: May 17, 1981
- Birth place: Milan
- Zodiac sign: Taurus
- Height: 170 cm
- Weight: 70 kg
- Official Instagram profile:@silvestri_davide
- Follow us on our official Instagram profile: @ chiecosa.it
Biography of Davide Silvestri
Davide Silvestri was born in Milan on May 17, 1981 in a family of artisans. His career began almost by chance: he was in fact stopped by a photographer at the Moscova metro stop in Milan: struck by her beauty she asks him to take some pictures.
Thus Davide began working in some commercials and as a model, at the age of 17 he embarked on an acting career. The notoriety came in 1999, when he joined the cast of the soap opera To live. He ranks fourth in the first edition of The Island of the Famous, conducted by Simona Ventura. In 2005 he entered the Accademia dei Filodrammatici in Milan, thus perfecting his training, and starting his own theatrical and film career. We see it in Write it on the walls (2007) and Dad’s girlfriend (2008), as well as again on television in Before happiness, Welcome to the table And Don Matteo 9. In recent years we see it in God help us And Mobile team, only to then take a break to found and start up his company, Lira, specialized in craft beer production. Also on Linkedin Davide appears as Owner of the company Birra Lira SAS:
I am focused only on my beer, which is called Lira, like the old Italian currency. My recipes have a cornucopia and a farmer as symbols, just like the old one and two lire coins. And each bears the signature of the ‘governor’ who is me, and of the cashier, Kekko (his cousin and singer of Modà), partner in the company.
Big Brother Vip 2021
Davide Silvestri seems to be given as a competitor of the Big Brother Vip 6, broadcast from 13 September on Canale 5. Alfonso Signorini will again lead the program. Opinionists this year: Adriana Volpe and Sonia Bruganelli.
Who knows what Davide will reserve for us inside the most spied on house in Italy. The other Big Brother competitors are: Kabir Bedi, Giacomo Urtis, Valeria Marini, Biagio D’Anelli (entered November 29), Maria Monsé and Patrizia Pellegrino (entered November 22 and left shortly after), Federica Calemme, Alessandro Basciano, Eva Grimaldi, (December 17) Nathaly Caldonazzo and Barù (enter December 20) Sophie Codegoni, Katia Ricciarelli, Soleil Sorge, Andrea Casalino, Amedeo Goria, Samy Youssef, Tommaso Eletti, Carmen Russo, Raffaella Fico, Gianmaria Antinolfi, Aldo Montano, Alex Belli, Manuel Bortuzzo, Giucas Casella, Davide Silvestri, Francesca Cipriani, Ainett Stephens, Manila Nazzaro, Nicola Pisu, The Ethiopian Princesses: Lucrezia Hailè, Clarissa Hailè and Jessica Hailè.
A few days after his entry in the house, during the third episode of Big Brother, Davide (who has shown a very sunny and playful character) is nominated by the comrades who entered with him: fights on televoting with Tommaso Elected to avoid deletion. Meanwhile, relations in the house are tense especially with Andrea Casalino and Sophie Codegoni with whom Davide has no feeling. Davide is saved from his first nomination by televoting.
In the fourth week of stay in the house Davide is on televoting against Nicola, Amedeo and Samy. Davide has already escaped the nomination and seems to be quite loved by the public at home, in fact the televoting wins again.
In the fifth week of permanence the lack of empathy between Davide Silvestri and Raffaella Fico is confirmed: in fact she doesn’t find it funny his way of joking and the constant jokes in which Davide specializes. The rest of the house, on the other hand, seems to like Davide. Raffaella is eliminated.
In the sixth and seventh week Davide Silvestri continues to have her say on different dynamics of the house: she takes Alex’s side in the quarrel with Alex Belli, she tells Soleil that she is not the champion of justice and between one dynamic and the other ends up in nomination in the episode of November 5th .
During the episode of November 12, Alessia, Davide’s girlfriend, enters the house of the Gf Vip, to surprise her boyfriend. Davide Silvestri kneels in front of Alessia and declares his love for herAnd. After getting excited, Davide says to his girlfriend Alessia: “There is one thing I wanted to say before saying goodbye: I love you so much. For me it’s just you and Kekko “
In December the report dfriendship between David and Alex falters: In fact, Davide no longer believes in his friend, who tried to leave the house in a fury, but who for Davide was just a drama. A staging that follows the triangle with Delia and Soleil del which Alex is the protagonist. Davide underlined how Alex, before trying to force the red door, made sure that it was well closed.
After Alex Belli’s exit from the GF VIP, the dynamics of the House change especially among the people closest to Alex, that is Davide and Soleil: Davide in fact states that Soleil has brought a negative energy into the relationship with Alex and detaches himself from her. After Alex’s exit, Davide Silvestri talks about the fact that he would like in the house Luca Vismara: his friend and neighbor, however, is one of Soleil Sorge’s sworn enemies. Before Christmas Davide has an argument with Katia Ricciarelli who takes him back for order but he defends himself. Furthermore, in the last nomination Davide mentioned the name of Lulù Selassié, displacing everyone also because Lulu ended up in televoting. Davide’s motivation was that he wants to kill people who bring negative energy into the house.
In the 16th week Davide remains one of the most loved competitors of the GF VIP House and also receives an unexpected visit from his cousin, Kekko Silvestre, singer of Modà.
Davide Silvestri is currently engaged to a girl named Alessia, probably a stranger to the world of the showor. To confess it the same Davide who has been seeing the girl since November, and who inside the Big Brother house talked about this relationship. In the past Davide was engaged to psychologist Valentina Mangili.
Career: from model to actor
From a very young age, Davide Silvestri began to work as template and, at the age of 17, made his debut on television in the soap opera To live. At the end of the experience, in 2003, Davide took part in the first edition of The Island of the Famous, finishing fourth. After several auditions, in 2005, he entered the Accademia dei Filodrammatici in Milan, thus perfecting his training, and ready to begin his theatrical and cinematographic career.
We see him so busy at theater with:
- The portrait of Dorian Gray (2005);
- Chickpea (2007);
- Good life (2007);
- Veronika Voss (2013).
To the cinema is active until 2010, and takes part in:
- Emerald life (2006), with Jerry Calà, Elena Santarelli, Lory Del Santo, Costantino Vitagliano and Amedeo Goria;
- Write it on the walls (2007), with Cristiana Capotondi, Primo Reggiani, Giulio Berruti and Alessandro Tiberi;
- Dad’s girlfriend (2008), with Massimo Boldi, Enzo Salvi, Biagio Izzo, Elisabetta Canalis and Natalia Bush;
- I’m getting married at Christmas (2010), with Vincenzo Salemme, Cristina Del Basso and Jonathan Kashanian.
Also back in television and we see it in:
- Welcome Brothers (2010);
- I love you too much to tell you (2011);
- Welcome to the table – North vs South (2012);
- Don Matteo 9 (2014);
- God help us (2014);
- Mobile team (2015).
Since 2018 it is also master brewer and founds his own company, Lira (from the name of the old Italian currency),specialized in the production of amber and blonde beer. Davide Silvestri founded this business with his cousin, Kekko of Modà.
The instagram profile of Davide Silvestri it is very popular, in fact, it has more than 36 thousand followers. Davide likes to publish posts about his travels, his two dogs (Birra and Pau) and his beloved beer. At the moment, his profile is constantly updated, following the developments of Davide Silvestri within the house of Big Brother Vip.
- He is very fond of animals and has two Chihuahuas named Pau and Birra;
- confessed to having suffered a trial for robbery during adolescence, together with a group of his friends;
- among his favorite trips there are certainly those in the mountains;
- sports lover, ski and surf;
- his cousin is Kekko Silvestre of Modà and the two are very close and Kekko surprised Davide in the GF VIP house.
Article by Emanuela Italia
Tag #Italian actors #big brother vip
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