
Common Reasons for Furnace Repair in Cincinnati

Cincinnati winter temperatures are incredibly frigid, making it critical that residents’ furnaces operate at peak performance without risk of failure. This means homeowners must be diligent with care and upkeep, including professional preventive inspections and servicing.

Reputable and reliable repair contractors performing tune-ups provide Cincinnati furnace repair solutions when they detect any signs of developing defects to keep the equipment running seamlessly. Between service calls, homeowners must pay attention for common furnace problems to have these resolved quickly.

What are the most common furnace problems residents in Cincinnati deal with? Let’s learn.

Common Furnace Problems Homeowners Should Be Aware Of

Cincinnati homeowners heavily rely on their furnaces to function on point during the city’s blustery winter season. The best way to keep it running smoothly is to monitor its performance and manage essential upkeep such as changing the air filter and replacing thermostat batteries.

It’s also vital to enlist heating repair services for an annual inspection and tune-up of the system.

These technicians catch developing issues early to prevent the potential for malfunctioning or breakdowns. Click here to learn if it’s time to replace your furnace. As a homeowner, you can also pay attention for some of these common problems so they can be resolved quickly.

Dirty ducts

Dirt, debris, and dust accumulate in the heating ducts, which can restrict the furnace airflow. While air duct repair is a relatively simple and straightforward process, this maintenance is often overlooked by homeowners.

When you notice uneven heating throughout the home, this can indicate that the ductwork needs to be cleaned. An easy way to check the airflow is by putting your hand over the vents to determine how much air is flowing.

In order to avoid this issue, you should request that the ducts be inspected at the same time as the furnace preventive maintenance each year. If they’re dirty, these techs will clean out the ductwork to keep the system functioning adequately.

The air filter

The heating system contains an air filter that filters pollutants, allergens, and other particles to maintain good air quality and reduce the dust and dirt buildup in the ductwork.

While most homeowners are made aware of these filters when the system is installed, changing them is often neglected, leading to inefficiency with the furnace and lower air quality.

With the filter clogged, it’s unable to trap particles from the air, and the heating system needs to exert more effort to warm the home. Pushing the system beyond its capacity results in premature wear of the components and the potential for a shorter furnace lifespan.

These should be changed at least every 90 days or sooner, depending on your location and lifestyle. A good rule of thumb is to check it periodically to see if it’s still viable and go ahead and change it if it’s getting full.

The pilot light

Common Reasons for Furnace Repair in Cincinnati

The pilot light with older furnaces can be difficult to keep lit for several reasons. This is an urgent fix for a repair contractor. A major issue is if the safety switch is defective or simply, the flame setting could be too low.

Natural gas is highly flammable, so before attempting to relight the pilot, it’s critical to shut off the gas supply and let it sit for a few minutes before attempting to light it. If the light has been out for an extended period, a dangerous gas buildup can develop.

With electric ignition, the flame sensor can get dirty, rendering it unable to detect the flames. This furnace safety feature will then shut the system down because it’s sensing gas but no flames.

You can clean the flame sensor by removing it from the access panel; however, if the process seems too intricate, it’s better to let a professional technician handle the cleaning.

In that same vein, the access panel acts as a safety feature also. When this is not closed securely, the system will not function. The access panel gives repair contractors access to the internal components. Visit Furnace Service: Heating Maintenance Tips | Direct Energy – for tips on heating system maintenance.

The thermostat

Sometimes, the heating unit isn’t the issue, but instead, the problem lies at its hub – the thermostat. The thermostat monitors the home’s temperature and can then regulate the furnace heating cycle.

When the thermostat malfunctions, it doesn’t register the correct household temperature, resulting in it telling the furnace to stop despite a cold house or produce heat when it’s already too warm.

Electrical issues are a common problem that can develop with the thermostat at any time. Your furnace repair contractor will inspect the device to determine if it’s having a hardware or software issue. If repairs are unsuccessful, the thermostat will need to be replaced.

Final Thoughts

With Cincinnati winter in full swing, you want your home to be a cozy refuge from the bitter cold air. By learning these and other common furnace problems, you can narrow down potential issues and seek appropriate furnace repairs.

 Also visit Digital Global Times for more quality informative content.


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